Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B4)

4) Interfaces between EWS and optical filing 
By establishing interfaces between EWS data bases that primarily use vector data bases and data bases in 
optical disks that hold image data, the following effects can be expected. 
* Vector data bases and raster data bases will be unified (unification of large-scale or small-scale maps 
with documents and photos, handwritten documents, etc.) 
* Data base utilization will become more efficient (optical disk control of large-volume attribute data) 
* Data will be made consistent by the single-source unification of small-scale/large-scale and image data 
Fig.3 shows the status of the correlations among the various types of data. 
5) Utilization of ARC/INFO 
Recently, GIS that employs relational-type data bases are rapidly being developed and operated. 
Therefore, in Fig.1, we illustrate a road management system that uses ARC/INFO (product of ESRI Inc., 
USA) as the system's nucleus. About 7,000 ARC/INFO sets have been installed all around the world, 
and of which 200 sets have been installed in Japan. This system possesses the following features. 
* No dependence on hardware ranging from PC/EWS to large-capacity, general purpose computers 
* High-level GUI (graphic uer interfaces) functions 
* Planning-type.facility management-type data bases 
* Network/topographical analysis functions 
* High program expandability 
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"ed | optical filling | 
E various ledger — a: | 
6. 1. S. À cas | color 
x ; | — plotter les | 
laser printer scanner MT 
7 = e hard copy E 
large-scale optical filling ZA 
ews t 7 2 | kanji printer 
Se wet 
image data Fig.5 Hardware block diagram 
Fig.4 Relation among the various data 

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