The latter condition is very helpful in regions with
repetitive patterns.
For a full conjugate point where three stereo pairs are
available the conditions are as follows:
* for all three correlations the above mentioned cri-
teria for single correlations have to be fulfilled
* for the checking correlation between the back-
ward/forward stereo pair the absolute value of the
displacement vector resulting from the correlation
must not exceed a given limit (normally set to 1
column and 1 line).
Pattern sizes have been 7 . 7 pixels for the 3 lower lev-
els of the image pyramid and 9.9 for the two higher
levels; accordingly, search area sizes of 15.15 and
21-21 were taken to cope with the increase in paral-
laxes at the higher levels. This is depending also on the
density of the conjugate points found for the previous
level of the image pyramid. Of course, high densities
will help to reduce the search areas.
2.4 Subpixel accuracy
Local least squares matching techniques (LSM)
described in <Ref. 9> are used to refine the results
of the previously described operator to subpixel level.
The radius of convergence of LSM is a few pixels only.
Thus, it has to be preceded by a matching operator at
pixel level.
The parameters of two local transformations between
the stereo partners - two parameters of a radiometric
transformation (brightness and contrast) and six
parameters of an affine transformation for obtaining the
subpixel positional information - are estimated by iter-
ative least squares adjustment. The observations are
the differences of the grey values of the original scene
of the nadir looking sensor and the transformed sub-
scene of the stereo partner. It was found that the con-
vergence is bad for windows less than 11*11 pixels for
the given data material (in <Ref. 9> 16*16 is recom-
mended as smallest window size - but for frame camera
imagery). The smoothing of the grey values before LSM
mentioned in <Ref. 9> is not realized in our software
because very good initial values are provided by cor-
relation at pixel level.
For most windows the convergence is within 2 to 5
iterations. In case of non-convergence the location of
the maximum of a parabolic fit to the neighbourhood of
the maximum of the correlation’ coefficients is taken as
a substitute. This also defines the initial values taken
for the LSM.
Experience showed that the parabolic fit maxima will
often differ much from the LSM results. Convergence
of LSM was achieved in about 90% of the cases.
2.5 Image pyramid
Already our short strips of stereo imagery of MEOSS
type are a massive amount of bytes on disk or subareas
fitting to normal display screens. Additionally, dis-
tortions introduced by the terrain and the attitude vari-
ations of the aircraft are often very large even locally
(even more than 100 pixels). Thus, manual starting of
locating conjugate points would be a very tedious task.
These problems are much reduced by introducing a
resolution pyramid. If we use factor 16 for the coarsest
resolution (in both line and column direction) this
results in small scenes fitting to modern display
screens. Furthermore, as parallaxes are reduced by the
same factor, the human operator will be able to quickly
measure the small set of conjugate points required for
starting the search area selection. All further steps of
interest operator and image correlation work automat-
ically through the image pyramid up to the finest level
of resolution.
The quality of the final results is profiting much from the
fact that from one level of resolution to the next the
increase in distortions is relatively small. Of course,
one has to pay for this by an increase in computer time
and disk storage (though a full pyramid of five levels
results in a storage increase by a factor 1.33 only).
3. Photogrammetric combined point determination
3.1 Basic equations
The iterative least squares adjustment for computing
the ground coordinates of the conjugate points and
improved values of the exterior orientation parameters
is based on the following types of equations:
© collinearity equations connecting image coordi-
nates and ground coordinates of the conjugate
points with the exterior orientation of the camera
at certain orientation images
* observation equations for ground control points
* observation equations for the parameters of interi-
or orientation of the camera (position of principal
point and focal length)
* observation equations for exterior orientation
parameters including constant and higher order
* a second order Gauss-Markov process for the
parameters of exterior orientation (this is meant
primarily for bridging large gaps in the distribution
of conjugate points caused for example by large
homogeneous areas, water bodies and clouds).
The exterior orientation is calculated for a set of orien-
tation images. These may be selected with regular or
irregular spacing in time along the orbit. Currently, lin-
ear interpolation is used to obtain the exterior orien-
tation for each line of the scanner imagery < Ref.
2,10>. Thus 12 parameters of exterior orientation
enter into the two collinearity equations derived for one
imaging ray.
3.2 Input data
The input to the photogrammetric adjustment consists
* the conjugate points found by semi-automatic
image matching (these are the most precise meas-
* ground control points: these are conjugate points
which are also identified on maps; topographic
maps are used to extract GauB-Kriiger coordinates
and heights (this is a very tedious and time con-
suming manual work)
e. initial values for the exterior orientation at the ori-
entation images
geometric calibration data for the camera
® weights for all the error equations.