Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B4)

as observations within the neighborhood. 
Since the local DTMs of the neighboring points are 
strongly correlated to each other, the whole terrain model con- 
sists of those local DTMs will form a smooth surface. Contour 
lines redrawn as dropped on this surface are expected to be fine 
and beautiful(Fig 1). This redrawing process is carried out mov- 
ing only the planimetry of every point which forms contour 
lines. In a strict way, change of elevation should be concerned, 
however, the accuracy of elevation observation in normal situ- 
ation is good enough to ignore the effect of its correction. 
Collect observations within the 
neighborhood of A 
Generate a local DTM 
(1st/2nd/3rd order polynomial) 
Calculate the distance 
between A and the local DTM 
Correct A's planimetry coordinates 
Fig 1 The flow chart of the Local DTM editing 
2.2 Mathematical model of Local DTM 
In the following, n is used as the number of observed points 
which are found within the area of radius r around a concerned 
point A(x,.y,,z,). By using the least square method, the surface 
function of DTM is determined which approximates those ob- 
servations best. Before calculation, all these observed data are 
transformed into local coordinates so as to let A be the 
origin(Fig 2). 
Fig 2 Local area around point A 
2.2.1 Type of the Local DTM The local DTM of the point 
A is expressed as an equation of elevation z functioned by its 
planimetry as follows: 
z = f(x,y) (2.1) 
In each local DTM type of 1st, 2nd and 3rd order polynomial 
will be expressed as: 
z = a+bx+cy (2.2) 
z = a+bx+cy+dx"+exy+fy? (2.3) 
z = a+bx+cy+dx*+exy+fy?+g x +hx?y+ixy?+jy? (2.4) 
In the following explanation, the type of 2nd order DTM(2.?) ; 
2.2.2 Observation equations In order to determine the 
best fit DTM polynomial, the least square method using the 
coordinates of points in the local area is adopted. Let [oZ lis 
be observations of elevation at each point, V, be corrections for 
them, and function (2.3) be the type of local DTM. The 
observation equations are given as: 
LeX=C+V (2.5) 
2 2 
1 X NH XN 
s : 12 2 
L- 1 X, Yo X% X» Y, 
Dx y 4 ry 2

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