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Input data are two DEMS, one for the existing terrain, and the
other for the planned structures surrounded by border lines. In
the combined DEM the planned elevations are stored where the
planning DEM exists. Outside the planned structures the Z
values of the existing terrain are taken.
The combined DEM can then be represented in form of
perspective views or evaluated in form of profiles.
62 Prediction of Soil Erosion
A more complex function is used for the combination of the
influencing factors for soil erosion. In most investigations the
expected annual soil loss per unit area is described by the
universal soil loss equation (USLE) (Wischmeier/Smith 1978)
as the product of 6 influencing factors:
A R*K*L*'*S*C*P
= expected annual soil loss per unit area
= rainfall factor
soil erodability factor
slope-length factor
= slope-steepness factor
= cover and management factor
= support practice factor
Amongst other applications, the USLE is being applied to
terrain planning in land consolidation projects (Sigle 1991).
The maximum tolerable slope length of the restructured terrain
is computed by combining the slope factor S (derived from a
digital slope model) and the soil erodability factor K. K is
stored in a SCOP model which was built up from digitized
polygon areas of a map of soil classes. All other influence
factors could be kept constant for a local land consolidation
The combination results in a digital slope-length model which
can be represented in a map of classes of tolerable slope-
A graphical presentation is given for a small part of the land
consolidation project Sulzfeld in fig. 6. Data acquisition was
done by the land consolidation authority of Baden-
Württemberg. In practical use the soil loss prediction maps
could be considerably improved compared to fig. 6 by using
colour hatching or a z-coded raster representation for the slope-
length classes.
The Sulzfeld project has an extension of 5km x 5km. The
DEM data were acquired by a photogrammetric grid
measurement (44 178 points including 18 461 points on break
lines, form lines and border lines). The K-factors were
digitized by 869 polygon areas with 16 485 polygon points.
The total project was realized under MS-DOS on a 80386 PC
(33 MHz). It required a disk capacity of 40 MB and computing
times of 64 minutes for DEM interpolation, 18 minutes for
derivation of a digital slope model, 9 minutes for building up
the K factor model, 58 minutes for the derivation of the slope-
length model by combining the two SCOP models, and 3
minutes for the output of a soil loss prediction map for the total
EE dt
terrain data
slope map
Slope-length classes
ER 50-120m
E 120-200 m
» 200m
« 50m
tolerable slope-length
Fig. 6: Soil loss prediction for a land consolidation project
Two applications are described in the following which are used
for the estimation of agricultural land (e.g. for land
consolidation projects).
7.1 Slope Statistics
SCOP includes a module for the derivation of a digital slope
model from a DEM. The slope model has the same data
structure as the DEM, but the terrain heights are replaced by
slope values (steepness in per cent). Break line information is
rigorously considered in the slope model.
For land estimation the slope model is intersected with pieces
of land (polygon areas) by using several slope values as class
limits. The results are the slope class areas for each piece of
7.2 Soil Value Statistics (Polygon Overlay)
An example for a polygon overlay is the computation of soil
value areas for pieces of land.
Soil value classes usually exist in form of polygon areas in soil
value maps. The polygon areas have to be digitized and to be
converted into a SCOP model which is then intersected with
another set of polygon areas (e.g. pieces of land). Class limits
for the intersection may be any soil values in between the
different soil value classes of the map.