Kurt Novak
Ohio State University
Department of Geodetic Science and Surveying
1958 Neil Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43210-1247
Stephen L. Sperry
2801 Buford Highway, Suite 300
Atlanta, Georgia 30329-2137 USA
Fax: 404/248-9400
ISPRS Commission IV
This paper investigates the full integration of digital photogrammetric functions in a geographic information system (GIS).
Photogrammetry is a very powerful tool that can be used to create accurate data for a GIS. The major obstacle against a
wider application as a data capture method is the complicated instrumentation necessary. However, an implementation of
photogrammetric mapping and triangulation functions on a workstation in an image analysis environment eliminates the cost
of analytical instruments. This makes the system easy to use for non-photogrammetrists and it can be done directly in a data
base environment.
The concept of a digital photogrammetric plotter implemented as a software module of an existing GIS is presented. A full
range of photogrammetric functions were developed in a workstation environment. They can be used to generate digital
elevation models (DEMs) and digital orthophotos from aerial
layers of a GIS. The developed software is not limited to di
satellite triangulation. Stereo images are displayed on a works
photographs and satellite imagery. These are two important
gital mapping, but can be used for highly accurate aerial or
tation screen where points can be selected semi-automatically.
This allows analysts to accurately integrate satellite data with digitized aerial photographs in a common system.
Although the geographic information system (GIS) has
become a popular tool for many organizations, their
implementation is often stalled by the lack of available digital
data. Most GIS's are based on vectors (line data) digitized
from existing maps. The digitized maps often include error—
those transposed from incorrect or out-of-date maps, as well
as those occurring during digitizing. Two critical GIS data
layers, terrain and land cover, are typically difficult to develop
in vector format. Contour maps representing terrain leave
many areas blank. Land cover maps generated through
manual air photo interpretation methods are time consuming
and expensive. These data gaps can be filled by information
from a raster GIS.
Information for a raster GIS is mostly derived from satellite
sensors or scanned aerial photographs which record spectral
information about the surface of the earth. The raster
equivalents of vector contours and land cover maps are digital
elevation models (DEMs) and digital orthophotos. Digital
orthophotos are image-based maps which have been corrected
for relief displacement.
In the past, DEMs and orthophotos were derived by manual
photogrammetric techniques. Through the development and
enhancement of digital photogrammetry, it is possible to
derive the information fully automatically from digital
imagery. Because of the similarity in data formats between
digital photogrammetry and GIS, the DEM and digital
orthophoto can be readily used in raster GIS's. Due to recent
advances in the integration of raster and vector GIS, the data
are also available to vector GIS's.
Digital photogrammetry provides not only current and accurate
information for GIS's, but its algorithms are also useful for
extracting products from existing GIS data layers. These
products include perspective views, slope models, exposition
models and contours. This paper describes the development
of a digital photogrammetric module in a raster GIS. First, the
functions by which digital photogrammetry can enhance the
capabilities of automatic information extraction are discussed.
This is followed by a discussion of a specific implementation
of photogrammetric algorithms in a GIS. The discussion
includes descriptions of sensor orientation, image matching,
DEM interpolation and digital orthophoto generation. Typical
problems that are encountered in these processes are identified
along with operator solutions. In the conclusions, future
developments and further enhancements of digital
photogrammetry are discussed in terms of new
photogrammetric image analysis techniques.
Photogrammetry has been used for about one hundred years to
generate maps from aerial photographs and to compute highly
accurate point positions in three dimensions. It is a matured
technique for extracting spatial data. The advance of digital
sensors have made it possible to use photogrammetry on a
computer and apply its algorithms to digital imagery. The use
of a computer in photogrammetry is known as a softcopy
photogrammetry system. Currently, the most popular
techniques are image matching and DÉM generation, as well
as digital orthophotography.