Linear Feature Based Matching of
Stereo SPOT Satellite Images
Nigel Butler
Research Student
School of Surveying
University of New South Wales
PO Box 1, Kensington
Sydney, NSW, 2033
Commission IV
A new technique utilizing Feature-Based Matching of
stereo SPOT satellite images to derive Digital Elevation
Models (DEMs) is presented. DEMs were derived by ex-
tracting and then matching linear features from stereo im-
age pairs. The features were extracted by convolving the
images with 2x2 pixel windows and grouping the image
pixels upon similar gradient orientation. A pair of 8 mutu-
ally exclusive binary images are produced and are labelled
via a connected-components algorithm. Lines are fitted
to regions and parameters calculated providing a rich set
of attributes, which are then used to match corresponding
features in the stereo images. Heights are derived from
these matches and manually checked, with accuracies ap-
proaching the pixel level. These points are also triangu-
lated into a network of nearest-neighbors. The network is
interpolated onto a regular grid and one of the images of
the stereo pair may be draped over the generated DEM.
Key Words: Feature Extraction, Image Matching,
Stereoscopic, SPOT, DEM.
1 Introduction
Feature Based Matching of stereo satellite images was per-
formed to obtain a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) by
extracting and then matching linear features from stereo
pairs. In recent years the focus on the solution to auto-
mated stereo matching has shifted from gray-level corre-
lation to feature-based matching (Greenfeld and Schenk,
1989). Feature and area based image matching has been
tested and compared with hybrid approaches (Brockel-
bank and Tam, 1991). Very few projects attempting to as-
sess the feasibility of using SPOT stereodata as a source of
height information have been carried out and few results
have been presented (Theodossiou and Dowman, 1990).
The technique may be applied to images acquired both in
the near and far range, however this paper is concerned
with the far range. The stereo analysis problem as in pre-
vious treatments (Barnard and Fishler, 1982, Medioni and
Nevatia, 1985) may be broken into the following steps:
® image acquisition,
e camera modelling,
e feature acquisition,
© image matching,
* distance (depth) determination and interpolation.
Extensive work has already been completed in the cam-
era modelling of the SPOT stereo system and the Syd-
ney images in particular. The collinearity equations, the
epher1eris data from the header of the SPOT images and
a set of known control points were used to specify the
camera model. Precision of computation of object coor-
dinates have been shown to be of the order of 5-10 me-
ters in planimetry and height coordinates depending on
the precision of the ground control points (Trinder et al.,
The focus of this project is on the last three stages of the
list above. Figure 1 shows the image matching process
2 Image Acquisition
Since the launch of SPOT-1 on the 22nd February 1986,
the production of topographic maps from space on an
operational basis is now a possibility. SPOT acquires high
resolution imagery of almost all of the earth’s surface and
on the basis of coverage per single image, its imagery is
cheaper than aerial photography (Trinder et al., 1988).
The test stereo pair of SPOT images consists of scenes
of Sydney and its metropolitan area. One was imaged
on the 22nd November 1986 with a left incidence angle of
30.1° and the other on the 12th October 1986 with a right
incidence angle of 21.3° (i.e. six weeks between dates of
acquisition). The Base to Height (B/H) ratio of the pair
was therefore 0.97.
Different stereo applications often involve different kinds
of scenes. Perhaps the most significant and widely recog-
nized difference in scene domains is between scenes con-
taining cultural features such as buildings and roads, and
those containing only natural objects and surfaces, such
as mountains, flat or ‘rolling’ terrain, foliage, and water.
Industrial applications, on the other hand, tend to involve
artificial, cultural objects exclusively. Cultural features
present special problems. For example, periodic struc-
tures such as the windows of buildings and road grids can
confuse a stereo system.