Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B4)

e They are sensitive to absolute intensity, contrast, 
and illumination. 
e They get confused in rapidly changing depth fields 
(eg vegetation). 
For these reasons, the existing systems, especially the 
ones used in automatic cartography, require the interven- 
tion of human operators to guide them and correct them 
(Medioni and Nevatia, 1985). 
As feature matching necessarily leads to a sparse depth 
map only and tends to be confused in densely textured 
areas, feature matching should be regarded as comple- 
mentary to, rather than as competing with, area-based 
matching (Hannah, 1989). The rest of the surface must 
be reconstructed by interpolation. 
Some advantages of feature-based systems are: 
e They are faster than area-based methods, because 
there are fewer points (features) to consider; 
e The match is more accurate as edges may be located 
with sub-pixel precision; 
e They are less sensitive to photometric variations, 
since they represent geometric properties of a scene 
(Medioni and Nevatia, 1985). 
Some other advantages noticed while observing matched 
lines overlaid on the image pairs was the ability of some 
feature pairs to be located correctly, although the sur- 
rounding features might vary greatly either due to tem- 
poral change or reflectance characteristics due to the ge- 
ometry of the system. Also, many elongated features ex- 
tracted through the grouping mechanism would be larger 
than the pixel windows used in area-based techniques. 
4.1 Edge Pixel Determination 
Linear features were extracted by convolving the images 
with 2x2 pixel windows and grouping the image pixels 
upon similar gradient orientation. The pixels are grouped 
into so-called line-support regions (LSR). The LSR refers 
to a single change in image intensity in a direction nor- 
mal to the orientation of the edge. A pair of 8 mutually 
exclusive binary images are produced according to the 
Overlapping Partitions technique (Burns et al., 1986). 
This technique proved to be extremely useful in extract- 
ing lines of any orientation by grouping pixels under two 
separate partitions of the 0?—360? gradient orientation 
spectrum. The critical problem of this approach is the 
merging of the two representations in such a way that 
a single line in the image is principally associated with 
a single LSR. The regions considered best are the ones 
which provide an interpretation of the line which is the 
longest (Burns et al., 1986). 
4.2 Labelling Binary Images 
The pixels were grouped on gradient orientation by la- 
belling binary images using a modified method of Win- 
ston’s technique (Winston and Horn, 1984). Each binary 
image is composed of thousands of components (or re- 
gions). Lines are fitted to these regions and attributes 
determined (e.g. location, orientation, length, contrast, 
width and straightness). The location of straight lines 
within an image may be determined to sub-pixel accu- 
4.3 Fitting Lines to Regions 
If the intensity image of an edge and its surrounds is 
thought of as a 3-dimensional surface with x and y as the 
column and row of the image, respectively, and z as the 
intensity of the image then this produces what is termed 
an intensity surface. In these terms the line extracted 
refers to a step, that is a single change in intensity. The 
line extracted does not refer to an intensity surface which 
forms a ridge for which there is no distinct location for the 
boundaries on either side of the ridge. In Burns view these 
narrow linear image events will have a width formed by 
two locally parallel lines of opposite contrast (anti-parallel 
Burns approximates the intensity surface associated with 
each LSR with a planar surface. Straight lines are then 
extracted by intersecting this fitted plane with a horizon- 
tal plane representing the average intensity of the region 
weighted by a local gradient magnitude. 
The method used here fitted the LSR with its axis of 
least inertia, also weighted by local gradient magnitude, 
using the Hough parameterization of the line. McIntosh 
and Mutch’s method (McIntosh and Mutch, 1988), also 
uses moments of inertia, however, edge pixels were not 
The axis of least inertia passes through the centroid of 
the area. Least squared error line fitting with this form 
of line equation (as opposed to slope-intercept) minimizes 
errors perpendicular to the line (as opposed to those per- 
pendicular to one of the coordinate axes) (Ballard and 
Brown, 1982). 
Deriving the orientation of the axis requires least-square 
fitting by minimizing the sum of the squares of the dis- 
tances of the pixels from the line using the Hough (p, 0) 
parameterization of the line. 
Figure 2 shows a frequency histogram of line lengths for a 
subimage with center pixel coordinates (2750,3250) with 
respect to the main image. The frequencies for lengths up 
to and including 1 and 2 were omitted due to their very 
large number which may be partly attributed to noise. 
The thresholds placed on line length in the program pro- 
vides a good filter on noise and poor quality lines. The 
frequencies decline very rapidly for increasing line length. 
4.4 Average Intensities 
The average intensity of the whole subimage was deter- 
mined before the gradient magnitude threshold and line 
length threshold were set. A lower threshold was used 
for the relatively dark, featureless subimages. A higher 
threshold for the brighter subimages with more densely 
spaced cultural (artificial) features. This serves the dual 
purpose of maximizing the information retrieved from the 
dark areas, while limiting the wealth of data to be ana- 
lyzed from the high spatial-frequency areas. 
A brief analysis of the relationship between subimage 
average intensity and the number of lines produced of 
various lengths was performed to ascertain whether any 
trends occurred. This was to limit if possible the volume 
of data produced in the city scenes, while at the same 
time maximize the data from the relatively dark and fea- 
tureless subimages. 
The frequency of lines with various length ranges was dis- 
played on a square root scale as the features are extracted 

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