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Figure 1 Radiometric differences due to agricultural activities (left pair) and due to clouds and shadows
(right pair).
texture. Preliminary investigations have shown that the
majority of the edges remain stable. However, different
edges exist due to clouds, shadows, different perspective
views, new edges within fields due to agricultural
activities, human intervention, water level, snow
coverage, changes in the tree canopies etc. (Figure 1). A
method should be developed to try to detect the different
edges through consistency checks.
A stereo SPOT panchromatic level 1A model over W.
Switzerland was acquired. The inclination of the sensor's
optical axis was 23.4? R and 19.2? L respectively, leading
to a B/H ratio of ca. 0.8. The acquisition dates were
20.7.1988 and 27.8.1988 with significant radiometric
differences between the two images, particularly in
agricultural areas. Figure 1 shows some typical image
parts with large radiometric differences. The elevation
range was 350 - 3000 m. The following preprocessing
was applied to the original digital images:
e reduction of periodic and chess pattern noise
e Wallis filtering for contrast enhancement
136 control and check points were used with Kratky's
rigorous SPOT model (Kratky, 1989b). 10 for the points
were used as control points with a linear model of the
attitude rates of change. The pixel coordinates were
measured in one image manually and transferred to the
second one by template matching. The RMS of the check
points was 9 - 10 m in planimetry and 6 m in height.
MPGC is described in detail in Baltsavias, 1991. It
combines least squares matching (involving an affine
geometric transformation and two radiometric
corrections) and geometric constraints formulated either
in image or object space. The constraints lead to a 1-D
search space along a line, thus to an increase of success
rate, accuracy and reliability, and permit a simultaneous
determination of pixel and object coordinates. Any
number of images (more than two) can be used
simultaneously. The measurement points are selected
along edges that are nearly perpendicular to the
geometric constraints line. The approximations are
derived by means of an image pyramid. The achieved
accuracy is in the subpixel range. The algorithm provides
criteria for the detection of observation errors and
blunders, and adaptation of the matching parameters to
the image and scene content.
In the case of matching of SPOT images the geometric
constraints were formulated as follows. First, given a
measurement point in one of the images (template image)
a height approximation is needed. If the existing
approximations refer to the pixel coordinates, then the
height is computed by using the pixel coordinates in the
reference image, the x pixel coordinate in the second
image and the image to image PMFs. This height Z is
altered by a height error A Z. Using the heights Z + À Z,
Z — A Z, the pixel coordinates in the template image are
projected by the image to image PMFs in the second
image where they define the geometric constraints
(epipolar) line. The centre of the patch of the second
image which is used for matching is forced to move along
this line by means of a weighted observation equation of
the form
v, = (x+Ax)cosB + (y- Ay)sinB-p (1)
where (x, y) the approximate pixel coordinates of the
corresponding point in the second image and (A x, A y)
the unknown x-shift and y-shift.
Equation (1) is equivalent to the distance of a point
(x+ A x, y + À y) (the patch centre of the second
image) from a straight line. The epipolar line is expressed
by the normal equation of a straight line, where p is the
distance of the line from the origin and p is the angle
between the perpendicular to the line and the x-axis.
If the patch of the second image does not lie on this line,
then it jumps onto the line right in the first iteration. With
our data, the epipolar lines are approximately horizontal,
i.e. any error in the y-direction will be eliminated right in
the first iteration. An example is shown in Figure 2. Since
the epipolar lines are horizontal, the measurement points
must be selected along edges that are nearly vertical in
order to ensure determinability and high accuracy. Some
advantages of the geometric constraints will now be
presented. SPOT images include due their small scale a
high degree of texture, i.e. edges. Measurement points
lying along nearly straight edges can not be safely
determined with other matching techniques, but with our
approach they can as they lie at the intersection of two