and TIN
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nd DTM
be an
interesting alternative for several DTM
applications. This: can be achieved by
automatically deriving skeleton lines from a given
set of contours and subsequently using both data
sets for constructing a triangulated irregular
network (TIN) as the basis for interpolation.
Automated Derivation of Skeleton Lines
The underlying idea is to imitate manual
interpolation on a contour map. In regular surface
areas we interpolate directly between adjacent
line segments. Where a group of contour lines
spontaneously changes direction, i.e., at distinct
ridge or drainage lines, we extract intuitively
and approximately the relief skeleton before we
interpolate. At peaks and pits we examine the
neighbours of the inner contour to estimate the
local extrema before we interpolate.
Obviously a contour pattern carries more
information than just elevation at a set of
points. Although the skeleton lines of
contours--whether determined manually or
automatically--are only an approximation of the
relief skeleton, better DTMs will be produced than
without this additional information. Triangulating
the digitized contours and skeleton lines provides
a natural structure for this kind of data, if it
is assured that the skeleton lines do constitute
triangle sides (see figure 2). Some of the very
first DTM systems in the sixties were TIN-based
(see, e.g., [15]). Now, being able to deal with
topology is certainly one of the aspects which
make TIN DTMs attractive again.
Fig. 2: Contours, skeleton and triangles
Cartographic generalization as applied to most
existing topographic maps followed a ‘comparable
strategy: maintain the skeleton, modify the “ills.
It can be expected, therefore, that contours from
topographic maps are of higher fidelity at
structural locations. This is good to remember
when trying to extract additional information from
the contours in order to enhance DTM quality
without recourse to further measurements.
et al [2] reported on two approaches under
investigation for automatically deriving skeleton
lines from contours: a vector and a raster
approach. Both methods--one using aspect
information, the other based on medial axis
transformation--lead to a significant improvement
of DTM fidelity. Li and Chen’s [8] research
initiative utilizes mathematical morphology for
this purpose, relying on global shape operators
rather than local ones.
the obvious developing
version runs on
For us, ILWIS
platform. The present
IBM-compatible PCs and offers a wealth of image
processing and GIS tools. Its DTM component is
raster based, converting digitized contours by
Borgefors distance transformation and linear
interpolation to grid data (see [6]). ILWIS
includes digitizing software that supports manual
digitizing of contour lines. For further
processing, they are converted to a raster image.
[14] is
An attractive alternative to creating such a
contour raster image would be to scan the existing
contour map, followed by automated pre-processing.
This has been a subject of research activities for
several years, and recent publications include
[7], [16].
Given contours in raster form, the series. of
processing steps shown in figure 3 produces a DTM
of better fidelity than one produced by
interpolating from the contours.
rasterized contours rasterized contours
by point by line
distance Dirichlet
transformation tessellation
extraction of
skeleton line ‘segments
> rare ee EE
Y !gaps closing (a)!
, L--- —-+
— —— —
| gaps closing (b)!
Hs ee oe en
line compression
and smoothing
height assignment
rasterized skeleton
| | |
[arid pri contours /slope & aspect/
and other
relief shading
Fig. 3: Automated skeleton extraction and
In the folloving, the main features of the process
are outlined; details about the algorithms and the
developed experimental software are given in [10].