G. Aumann and H. Ebner
Chair for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Technical University Munich
Arcisstr. 21, D-8000 Munich 2, Germany
Tel: +49-89-2105 2671; Fax: + 49-89-280 95 73; Telex: 522854 tumue d
Commission IV
Generating a digital terrain model (DTM) from a given
set of contours has particular importance due to the wide
availability of contour maps. To generate a high fidelity
DTM at first a sufficient data preparation of the re-
source data is necessary. In this paper the required steps
for the data preparation, especially the automatical deri-
vation of skeleton lines from the given contour set, are
shortly described. Three approaches for generating a
high fidelity DTM using the given contours and the
derived data are presented. The high fidelity DTM can
be based on a triangulated irregular network (TIN) or a
regular grid. Practical examples are presented. The re-
sults demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed meth-
Key words: digital terrain model, contours, geomorpho-
logical information, TIN-structure, grid-structure.
The digital terrain model (DTM) has been subject of
research and developement for more than three de-
cades. In the last years there is a tendency to generate
countrywide high fidelity DTMs. In this context contour
maps, which are available in many cases with good accu-
racy, attach importance for DTM generation (Leberl et
al, 1984; Clarke et al, 1982). To generate a high fidelity
DTM at first a sufficient data preparation is necessary.
In this paper the required steps for the data preparation,
especially the automatical derivation of skeleton lines
from the given contour set, are shortly described. Three
approaches for generating a high fidelity DTM using the
given contours and the derived data are presented. The
efficiency of the proposed methods is demonstrated
using practical examples.
The recording of the contour data set is to be done either
by photogrammetric stereo measurement or by digitiza-
tion of existing contour maps. The digitalization pro-
ceeds either manually, semiautomatically or automat-
ically (Lichtner, 1987; Giebels/Weber, 1982; Yang,
1990). After the data acquisition the data preparation is
necessary to generate high fidelity DTMs. First of all the
gross errors have to be eliminated (Aumann et al, 1992).
Afterwards the data set has often to be thinned out by
special algorithms without loosing essential information
to obtain a proper data density for the further DTM
generation (Bássmann /Besslich, 1989).
For generating DTMs from a given contour set, geomor-
phological information in form of skeleton lines, i.e.
ridge and drainage lines, is of essential importance.
Existing contour maps contain these lines implicitly. To
extract this information automatically from the given
contour set two approaches have been developed at
Technical University Munich.
The first method is based on raster data processing
techniques. Treating the given contour set as a graph,
medial axes are computed by means of suitable algo-
rithms. Parts of the medial axes, i.e. those between two
parts of the same contour line, are picked out, connected
and used as the approximate skeleton lines (Aumann et
al, 1991; Tang, 1991).
The second
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