Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

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- Fig. 4: Ornament ensemble of a lost portal as a 
candidate for monument correlation 
Fig. 5: Recently discovered photo, dated 
1861, of a destroyed castle 
3.3 Correlation of different objects 
Figure 6 shows a Roman coin of the year 7 
BC., found in Adulia (Africa) showing a 
portrait of the legendary Roman centurion 
"P.QUINCTILI VARI" ( same as mentioned in 
chapter 2.1),in comparison with the inscription 
of a silver casserole of the Hildesheim 
treasure, excavated in 1868, see Schuhr 
Notice the corresponding characteristic 
scripting of the sequence of the letters "TI" ("I 
on top of the "T" in both cases(!)), as indicated 
by the arrow, which with high probability leads 
to the result, that between both objects might 
exist a relation.

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