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A priori information about camera location and
orientation (space resection) can be used to draw a
polygon which probably contains the searched feature. A
Hough transform can be limited to this subimage,
reducing mathematical operations and generating a few
candidate clusters. Using a filtering approach,
parameter estimation is recursively improved for each
new observation introduced and, the better is the
camera location estimate, the smaller is the subimage
to be processed.
Kalman Filtering is a suitable method to get
optimal estimates for parameters in robotics
eye-in-hand vision dynamic space resection.
Broida and Chellapa (1986) proposed an approach
for the estimation of object motion parameters based on
a sequence of noisy images. The movement of the body is
modeled as a function of time and recursive filtering
techniques are used to estimate the modeled parameters
from the data measured in the images. In this approach
image coordinates of two points in the body over a
sequence of images are used as measurements.
A similar approach is adopted by Liang, Chang and
Hackwood (1989) to address the problem of a
vision-based robot manipulator system. In their method
intrinsic (interior) and extrinsic (exterior)
orientation parameters are recursively estimated based
on several images of a single point.
1.3 Objectives
This paper presents a filtering and feature-based
approach to space-resection (camera calibration). A
mathematical model is developed which is based on
straight features. This model is treated by Kalman
filtering techniques, and it is shown that an iterative
process between image processing and parameter
estimation can be defined aiming a reduction on the
computational effort.
2.1 Object to image space transformation
There are several possible ways to define the
sequence of transformations that relates two reference
systems. In this paper, object to image space
transformation is done by translating the origin of the
object space until it reaches the image space origin
and, then, rotating the resulting system around the
resulting system axes. This transformation is described
mathematically by equation (2.1.1) where Xc, Yc, Zc are
the coordinates of the camera perspective center (image
space origin), R is the rotation matrix, and A is a
scale factor.
x X - Xc
y = AR Y - Yc (2.1.1)
z Z - Zc
Let k, ¢ and w be the rotation sequence, the
resulting rotation matrix R is given by:
cos cosK cos( senK+senl send cosK sen senK-cosw send cosK
-cos® senK cos cosK-senW send senK senW cosK+cost) sen senk
sen® -senW cos® cosw cos®
2.2 The interpretation plane
The following concepts will be developed supposing
that systematic errors in the image coordinates, such
as symmetric radial distortion and horizontal scale
factor, were previously eliminated and that the image
coordinates were reduced to the principal point (image
center). It will also be assumed that focal length is
known and that the camera and object remain static
during one image frame acquisition.
The interpretation plane is defined by a straight
line in the image and the camera perspective center in
image space reference system. Similarly, a straight
line in the object space and the camera perspective
center define a plane. This plane was called the
interpretation plane by Barnard (1983).
Let pi = (x1, y1, f) and p2 = (x2, y2, f) be two
distinct image points defining a line % the
interpretation plane % associated with £ can be
represented by its normal vector N
f.(y, = y,
> + >
Ns pxp, f(x, - x,) (2.2.1)
sh 41%
and the interpretation plane equation is given by
f yx * f(x -x.).y * (x, .y,7x, y, ).z = 0 (222)
The representation based on the line described by
two points is suitable for analytical photogrammetry,
but not for digital photogrammetry and vision. The line
representation in polar coordinates (0-p) has
advantages for applications in those areas mainly if
Hough transform is used. For a description of Hough
transform see Gonzalez and Wintz (1987).
Considering the parametric representation of a 2D
straight line:
y=ax +b (2.2.3)
and its normal representation:
cos0.x * sino. y - p = 0 (2.2.4)
a = -cotan @ = tan « (2.2.5)
b = p/sine = -p/cosæ (2.2.6)
the equation of interpretation plane can be written as:
f.cos0.x + f.sin6.y - pz = 0 (2.2.7)
and the normal vector to the interpretation plane is:
N = | f.sin0 (2.2.8)
2.3 Measurement Model
The concept of interpretation plane can be useful
in deriving models with particular features. Liu, Huang
and Faugeras (1990) proposed a model which enables two
steps for the camera parameters search. Tommaselli and
Lugnani (1988) presented a model called "equivalent
planes model" that is based on equivalence between
parameters of the interpretation plane in object and
image space. The approach to be developed in this paper
is based on this model but eliminating the parameter
(A) which is a scale factor between parameters of the
planes in object and image space.
Let £ be a straight line in the object space
with the parametric representation:
X X1 1
P: 1Y | = } Yi | + EC} M (2.3.1)
Z Zi n
where Xi, Yi, Zi are the object coordinates of a known
point in the line; l, m, n are the directions of the
line and t is a parameter.
Let be the normal vector to the interpretation
plane in the object space and defined by the vector
product, between the direction vector n and the vector
(PC - C) (see Fig. 2,3.1).
Rotating the f vector in order to compensate for
the angular differences between object, and image space
reference systems, the normal vector N and the rotated