ating a
3.1.1. In
ject is
it) and
In the
ctor is
ist and
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to the
ect to
ject is
to the
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to the
own as
nd is
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2 wrist
en two
a graph
can be
S Te
Ts is
n fact,
Br WC Oi 1-8, = 1 B7-1
Tw = Te: Ta: To To: Ts
This procedure leads to an estimation of the
kinematics of the manipulator using Vision and is in
general known as camera calibration. This approach can
be used to verify the real position and orientation of
the wrist.
second case: it is supposed that transform DT i is
known (the kinematics model is used) and transform en.
is computed. Once NT re Br are also known, or
can be obtained using the following transform equation:
S O C,-1 W,-1 B,-1 B
Tof Te T Te: T Ts
The object must be located by the Vision system in
order to be grasped by the wrist; this is called
object location problem. In this case the accuracy of
the position and orientation of the object is bounded
by the error in the kinematics model.
4.1 Introduction
There are several parameters estimation methods,
such as the well known Least Squares and the more
recent Kalman Filtering. In Least Squares it is assumed
that parameters are not time dependent and observation
does not follow an a priori probability distribution.
In this paper, due to the dynamic nature of the
problem, Kalman Filtering will be used for parameters
estimation . In the next section a short review of
Kalman Filtering is presented. A more detailed
description can be obtained, for example, in Jazwinski
(1970) and Miller & Leskiw (1987).
4.2 Kalman Filtering
Equation (4.2.1) describes a discrete and dynamic
stochastic system:
X17 * (x, t t) +I (x,, t) Ww (4.2.1)
k+1’ k+1
where: x is the n-vector state at AE
ó is a n-vectorial state transition
r is a (nxr) matrix;
Ww is a r-vector, white Gaussian sequence,
7. N(0,Q ) , usually called state
transition noise;
Let z, be the observation vector:
z = h(x ,t)+n km 2 (4.2.2)
k k k k
ze are the observations at to
n is the vector of measurement noise,
nc N(O,R );
Equation (4.2.2) describes the measurement model.
When both the system model and the measurement
model are linear, then:
ó (X, t ).x (4.2.3)
t) = F(t.» t E
= 4.2.4
h(x , t) H(t ).x ( )
In this case, to update the estimates:
x = F x (4.2.5)
k+1ik k kik
P = FP,F +Q (4.2.6)
k+1ik k kik k k
4.2.1 Iterated Extended Kalman Filter (IEKF)
The original Kalman filter deals only with linear
models. In order to use this approach to non-linear
discrete models Taylor linearization is introduced. In
the next steps the equations used to get a state
estimate using IEKF are presented without further
The IEKF approach is based on an iterator which is
analyzed for each iteration in order to verify the
convergence. This iterator is given by:
^ ^
T ud ent K omi x h(nt,) z M nlt nD
Ron is the Kalman gain matrix at t using
estimates for the state vector given by mi. Kalman gain
is expressed by:
T T -1
K =
k;mi P rk-1 Mg i Mini kie Mgr" R. ) (4.2.8)
M, n is the partial derivatives matrix of
function h with respect to the elements of the state
8h (x,t)
M - = ———— (4.2.9)
k ox
P ur is the predicted covariance matrix, which
is obtained based on an update of the covariance matrix
computed at op
Xie is the predicted state at to based on
measurements at t 1
state transition function.
computed using the linearized
n, is the iterator, which is an estimate for X it
at t.c At the first iteration d 7 X tl: which is
the predicted state estimate at t based on
measurements taken at t The result of the first
iteration, m2, is used in the third iteration and this
process is carried out until there is no further
improvement in mi. Thus, the final estimate for X ik
is given by the last iterator mi.
Since the state estimate has converged the
filtered covariance matrix can be computed and it is
given by:
P = (I- K M)P
kik k k kik-1
(-KM)!« KRK! (4240
k Kk k k k
When multiples uncorrelated observations are
available at instant te it is possible to compute
recursively the estimates for the state at instant te:
This is accomplished introducing one observation at
time and supposing that F = I and F = Q = 0; that is,
the state remains unchanged at t and its estimate and
covariance matrix are recursively improved for each new
observation introduced.
5.1 Introduction
The measurement model presented in Section 2.3 can
be used in a filtering-based approach in order to reach
a more accurate and flexible method of camera
calibration and object location. For this purpose model
equations must state explicitly the relations between
straight lines parameters in image and object spaces
and the state vector defined by camera (or object)
orientation and position variables.