Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Above all, the structure of normal and reduced normal 
equations of crown method are similar to that of bundle 
Up to now, a new rigorous photogrammetric 
adjustment algorithm based on co-angularity condition— 
Crown Method has been developed. The situation that 
bundle method monopolizes the rigorous 
photogrammetric adjustment will be broken along with 
the spread of the new method. 
comparing with bundle method, the new one pocesses 
the following properties: 
1) The functional modelling is Gauss-Markoff one, so 
it inherits all advantages of Gauss-markoff modelling. 
2) The process of forming observation, normal and 
reduced normal equations, solving the normal equation, 
the parameter quantities, the structure of normal 
equations are all same as or similar to that of bundle 
3) The condition of normal equation matrix is much 
better than that of bundle method. 
According to the principle of this paper, the rigorous 
algorithm based on co-planlarity condition can be 
similarly developed as well(Yianmin Wang, 1992 in 
press). Therefore, based on three different conditions, 
we can develop three different rigorous algorithm. 
Theoritically, the results should be the same, but due 
to the conditions of normal equation matrix, they will 
be different in practical adjustment. Which one is the 
best and most effective? This question need to be 
replied by comparing in practical adjustment. 
+ Referrence from JOURNALS: 
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Amateur Photographs. Photogrammetric Record. 
Yianmin Wang,1988a. Combination of GPS and 
Analytical Areophotogrammetry. Bulletin of Surve 
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References from BOOKS: 
Deren Li, 1988. Error Processing and Reliability 
Theory. Chinese Publishing House of Surveying and 
Mapping (In Chinese). 
Zhizhuo Wang, 1990. Principles of Photogrammetry. 
Press of Wuhan Technical University of Surveying 
and Mapping. 
References from GREY LITERATURE: 
Ackermann, F.,1983. Performance and Development 
of Areotriangulation for mapping. 5th United 
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Ackermann,F., 1988. Imact of GPS on 
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Veress. S. A. ,1982. Photogrammetric Analysis of 
Deformation of Transmission Lines. International 
Archives of Photogrammetry. 
Yianmin Wang,1988b. Research on Combined 3D 
Adjustment of Photogrammetry and Geodesy. 
Collection of National Excellent Papers on Surveying 
and Mapping Science and Technology by Youth 
Surveyors and cartographers. 
Yianmin Wang,1992. A Rigorous Photogrammetric 
Adjustment Method Based on Co-planarity 
Condition. (In Press) 

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