Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Dr.-Ing. Ludger Hinsken 
C&H Photogrammetry 
Ringstr. 79 
D-7750 Konstanz 19 
Luis Cogan 
C&H Photogrammetry 
Weiherstr. 2 
CH-5015 Niedererlinsbach 
Dr.-Ing. Rüdiger Kotowski 
K? Photogrammetry 
Planckstr. 51 
D-7000 Stuttgart 1 
The new software package integrates the on-line connection to an analytical instrument and the triangulation 
process under a common user interface. The triangulation is based on the well proven close range bundle ad- 
justment package CAP. A consistent data flow between the individual components of the new package is as- 
sured. For easy handling of the processed data the package provides graphical feedback. The package 
consists of various modules which can be combined to a best suitable package for the user's needs. 
Analytical plotters with 9"x9" photo stages are pri- 
marily targeted to the map making market produ- 
cing maps from aerial photographs. Therefore 
numerous software packages for this type of appli- 
cations which are highly optimized for this task are 
available since years. But as everybody knows the 
analytical instrument is not limited to aerial appli- 
cations it can also be used for close range applica- 
tions. What is basically needed to use every 
analytical instrument for close range applications is 
appropriate software. 
In this context two groups of programs are relevant. 
First, the Real-Time-Program which drives the ana- 
lytical instrument and second, the photogrammetric 
application programs which perform the measuring 
and orientation tasks. Existing solutions (Fuchs, 
Leberl, 1984; Dueholm, 1990; Knopp, 1990) are of- 
ten based on an extended Real-Time-Program to 
make it suitable for close range requirements. The 
photogrammetric application software which runs 
on a separate computer is closely coupled to the 
Real-Time-Program. These application programs do 
the simultaneous handling of several models on two 
photo stages and the proper mathematical modelling 
of non-metric close range cameras. To gain precise 
results in close range applications a bundle adjust- 
ment program is required. The existing software 
packages usually provide an orientation by bundle 
With the appearance of new types of Real-Time- 
Programs such as the Leica Mapping Terminal 
(LMT) (Cogan, Hinsken, 1992) the situation for 
close range applications has changed. This program 
is capable of already handling the basic require- 
ments for close range applications. It features an 
own user interface which allows the user to change 
parameters such as the assignment of the encoder 
axes and the encoder resolution. Furthermore the 
LMT can handle multiple models at the same time. 
Provision for handling of non-metric cameras and 
reseau corrections are given. 
Based on such a type of Real-Time-Program the 
photogrammetric application program can concen- 
trate on the measuring and bundle orientation pro- 
With the decision to provide close range photo- 
grammetric software on MS-DOS based Personal 
Computers the amount of software available from 
other disciplines is practically unlimited. Once the 
orientation parameters are computed by bundle ad- 
justment and transmitted afterwards into the ana- 
lytical instrument the user can use the application 
software of his own choice. There are various soft- 
ware packages available in the market which fulfill 
the needs of a 3D data acquisition program. Usually 
these are CAD packages such as AutoCAD or Mi- 
crostation or other vendors. 
Bundle adjustment is an important tool in photo- 
grammetric work. It is used primarily to transform 
all data into a common coordinate system. The 
bundle adjustment itself is surrounded by two other 
steps in the photogrammetric working process. Be- 
fore the adjustment can be carried out, measure- 
ments of image coordinates need to be made. After 
the adjustment program has been run, the results of 
the adjustment need to be analyzed. For the user it 
is very important that the three working steps, 
namely measurement, adjustment and analysis work 
as close together as possible. This will insure maxi- 
mum efficiency in his day to day work. 
The newly developed software package MAAS-CR 
which is the short form for: Measurement Adjust- 
ment and Analysis Software for Close Range puts 
together these three important steps of photogram- 
metric work. 
The paper will describe the functionality of one 
module of each group. It will explain one of the 
measuring programs, the bundle adjustment pro- 
gram and the graphical analysis program. The re- 
maining programs of the package are only noted 
very briefly for completeness. 

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