Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

For the final position estimation the least square 
template matching method was implemented. The 
template is a model of a reseaucross image. A 
binary image of an ideal reseaucross image (4 
pixels wide and 100 pixels long) was generated and 
smoothed with a 2 x 2 averaging filter to 
approximate a convolution with the 20 um wide 
Point Spread Function (P.S.F.) of regular 
photographic emulsions. The template and a 
sample reseau cross image is shown in figure 3. 
The matching of the template with the reseaucross 
image involves four parameters. The model can be 
written as follows: 
g(x,y) = d, * t(X-X,,Y-Yo) + Bo 
g (x,y) = density at position x,y (the image) 
t (x,y) = template 
d, = radiometric scale factor 
£o = radiometric offset 
Xoyog = relative position template - image 
The parameters can be split in two groups: the 
radiometric (d, g,) and the geometric parameters 
(x, y). The addition of a geometric parameter for 
the rotation of the reseaucross relative to the 
coordinate system defined by the pixels has been 
tested. Although the estimated shift did not change 
significantly due to this model improvement (in the 
order of 0.1 um), the estimated noise reduced by a 
factor 1.5. About the same reduction of the noise 
estimate was obtained by reducing the width of the 
cross-shaped matching window from 8 to 6 pixels. 
This is due to the reduction of the number of 
background pixels (see furtheron). The 
approximate position being known within the one 
pixel range, convergence did not pose any 
Although the density noise depends on the 
measured density itself (approximately linear for 
densities greater than 1), all pixels have been 
equally weighted. The estimated noise level should 
be interpreted as an average for the pixels within 
the matching window. The RMS-granularity of the 
emulsion used for the experiment is 1%. The 
effective pixelsize being 13 x 13 um? the emulsion 
noise is about 3% for D(ensity) = 1. For an average 
density the emulsion noise level can be expected to 
be 4 - 5% for our pixelsize. 
The reseaucrosses with the lowest noise estimates 
were in the order of 6% of the average density level 
(5 parameter solution, matching window 6 pixels 
wide). This relatively high noise level originates 
mainly from the unmodelled non-uniform exposure 
of the reseaucross background. As mentioned 
before the width of the matching window has an 
influence on the noise estimate. This problem is 
inherent to the way in which the reseaucrosses are 
projected on to the emulsion. Pre-illumination of 
the reseau grid can reduce, but not eliminate, the 
errors resulting from the non-uniformity of the 
background. Pre-illumination however solves the 
problems of lack of contrast between reseaucrosses 
and background that occurs in cases of extreme 
under exposure of the background. However as the 
legs of the crosses are very narrow (about 40 pm = 
2 P.S.F.) the bias that might result from an 
inadequate model for the background is assumed to 
be negligible. Only with a very steep mean gradient 
perpendicular to a leg might one expect a slight 
bias, which could hardly exceed 1 um. So only the 
noise estimates are effected. As the precision of the 
position estimates for the crosses exceeds the 
quality of the description of film distortion by a 
large factor this presently is not relevant as the 
noise estimate cannot be exploited in a 
straightforward weighting scheme. 
5.2 Targets 
As for the reseaucrosses, the startpositions for the 
targets should have a precision in the order of 2 
pixels to guarantee convergence of the iterative 
parameter matching procedure. Although an 
optimized search procedure is expected to fulfil this 
requirement, an algorithm for startposition 
improvement has been implemented. This 
algorithm is based on the principle of 
autocorrelation and results in the symmetry point of 
the digital image. The idea is to find the symmetry 
point by finding the maximum correlation of the 
image with the image mirrored with respect to the 
(approximate) symmetry point. This is done 
through minimizing the two-dimensional function 
C (X9,y 9): 

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