Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

AMBERD Gesomtuebersicht 
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Unriss photogronnetrisch = € 
va TH Darmstadt 
et Schnitte/Pro jektionsebene Institut fuer 
% Photogrammetrie und Kar tographie 
A Schoittfloeche 9 9 p 
inde ze Planung Aufnohne : Kenpo, Schlueter M = 
Photogramnetrische Auswertung © Anostasiodou, Gunson 
S Gr ' t : 
NA nicht in Schaitthoehe aphik « Krouth ]-: 150 
figure 2: ground section and 
overview of evaluated plans 
For the southern wall of the 
castle all plans are exemplarily 
performed in fig. 3-5. In the front 
view one can see that in some parts 
evaluation of details (e.g. the 
window embrasures) were carried 
The chosen procedure offers the 
advantage the that after collection 
and preprocessing in principal any 
desired kind of representaion or 
combination of the = data is 
possible. This is very important if 
one has to cooperate with experts 
with different professional 
background (e.g. architects, 
statical engineers): in that cases 
the aimed density of information 
and its representation not always 
are a priori definitely fixed. In 
addition one has to take into 
account the amount of data. 
A further aspect is given by 
the fact that in the area of 
architecture the application of 
AutoCAD is now rather widely 
spread. An exchange of graphical 
data and their further procesing 
under more art-historical or 
building-historical approaches is 
thus very easily possible. 
Looking at the costs for hard- 
and software it can be remarked 
that compared with analytical 
plotters with a (rather) low cost 
equipment (in principle: a 
coordinate-measuring machine, 
personal computer and a graphic 
tool) the evaluation of plans - 
using photogrammetric techniques 
and restricting to a less accuracy 
- for architects can be enabled. 
AS mentioned above perhaps 
further exploitation of the 
existing data (i.e. photos, more 
detailed information extraction) 
will be done, because for carrying 
out the restoration an inventory of 
stones is needed. To get such an 
inventory varying procedures are 
possible: supply of the existing 
plans with orthophotos or mapping 
of the borders of stones of all 
walls using stereo models again. 
The first strategy is problematic, 
because for an opto-mechanical 
rectification the inclination of 
almost all photos is too strong and 
could be only achieved step by 
step. On the other hand a detailed 
mapping of the borders of stones is 
very time consuming. Therefore 
another solution seems to be more 
attractive: digitization of those 
parts of the images which are 
needed and then digital 
rectification with control points. 
The digital orthophotos now can be 
used to extract edges (of stones) 
applying methods of digital image 
processing. First experiments were 
carried out within the framework of 
practical studies for students last 
year and yielded good results. 
AMBERD Ansicht Suedwono 
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nterpouert Institut Fuer Photogrammetrie und Kartographie 
d Quer soende 
2 Boden 
Quer scende M = | 100 
figure 3: front view of the 
southern wall (with 
additional information of 
the backside) 

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