needed, which would make the system less efficient to the
existing one.
Replacement of the film with electronic detectors would
eliminate the digitization phase and increase the system
efficiency but also increase the cost.
Many radiologists and physicians are resisting any attempts
to computerize conventional X-ray images. They view it as
an unnecessary development process and see the existing
system as the best that can be obtained with current
All the above limitations will be reduced, and probably will
become insignificant, as development of computer
hardware and software advances. At that point, the
negative attitude of the medical community will also be
lessened and eventually digital X-ray would become a
Image processing techniques can be used to minimize
- significantly the number of rejected X-rays. Enhanced
' image contrast and visibility will help both physicians and
radiologists make more accurate diagnosis. This in turn
will reduce the risk of radiation exposure and increase the
economical benefits. The enhanced X-ray images are
sharper, more visible and recognizable, and provide more
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