Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Taichi OSHIMA 
College of Engineering 
Hosei University 
3-7-2 Kajinocho 
Tokyo 184 
Commission V 
Recently, in addition to 
computer-aided  Geo-information 
design(CAD) have been recognized as being very effective and 
utilized to prepare basic data for decision making in administra- 
tion and policy control in the field ob eivil engineering em- 
ploying the photogrammetric method. This paper describes several 
typical examples in the field of photogrammetry based on the GIS 
and CAD systems. 
remote sensing techniques, the 
system(GIS) and computer-aided 
Key Words: Close-Range, CAD, Traffic Accident,Perspective View 
Calibration,Close-Range,Analytical Graphic Device. 
1. 3-D Controlling Techniques using the 
CAD System for Cenotaph restoration in 
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park by 
Close-Range Photogrammetry 
1.1 Outline 
The cenotaph built in 1952 in the Hiroshi- 
ma Memorial Park (atomic bomb site)as a 
symbol of Hiroshima's prayer for world 
peace has been damaged by years of outdoor 
exposure and the city of Hiroshima has 
decided to rebuild it in granite. 
For this restoration, special considera- 
tion is needed reviewing the following: 
In the first place, because of the basic 
concept of restoration of the existing 
shape of the cenotaph, the existing shape 
must be measured accurately and efficient- 
ly by means of some non-contact method. To 
meet these requirements, photogrammetric 
method was used. In the second place, 
because the structure will be changed 
from the present reinforced concrete to 
granite, the original sectional areas must 
be modified to compensate for the reduced 
strength and the shape of the interior 
wall must be modified. In addition, since 
the visual exterior wall shape must fully 
represent the designer's concept, the 
utilization of the CAD system capable of 
3-dimensional representation was decided. 
The investigation and analysis were 
executed in accordance with these require- 
ments mentioned above. Here are discussed 
how the CAD system were used for the 
restoration of the cenotaph based on the 
3-D data by precise close-range photogram- 
1.2 Photogrammetry 
The close-range photogrammetric technique 
was used for taking photos with at least 4 
to 6 accurately measured control points 
within a pair of photos. The stereoscopic 
photographs are processed in a 3-dimen- 
sional measuring device called the analyt- 
ical plotter. The measuring points are 
recorded and stored in computer. The 
ground coordinates of the object are 
obtained on the basis of the photographic 
coordinates of the object by simple trans- 
forming formula. 
1.3 Photographing and Measurement 
A single photogrammetric camera UMK10/1318 
was used and in general the measuring 
distance is selected between 3 to 10 times 
of the base line length. A precision 
analytical plotter of plans was used. The 
intersection points of each pair of stere- 
oscopie model can be checked by computer. 
The residual errors of vertical parallax 
was more or less 1 to 5 microns. 
1.4 Application of CAD System 
In the series of the cenotaph rebuilding 
work, a CAD system was utilized for the 
following purposes: 
(1) the numerical data alone obtained 
from the photograph process is not suffi- 
cient to know the 3-dimensional shape 
fully. Perspective view from any desired 
viewpoints and other views must be dis- 
played on the screen to allow the designer 
to easily recognize the 3-dimensional 
shape and to facilitate correction. 
(2) As mentioned earlier, the new cenotaph 
must have 14cm thicker wall at the middle 
section for bulging inward than the exist- 
ing shape. The new wall must have the 
correct thickness and at the same time, it 
must be visually satisfactory to the 
(3) The quarrying process included in the 
erection work required the wood patterns 
and to make them, the numerical data for 
any desired section is required. 
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