Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

To C. Logothetis graduate student of NTU of Athens, 
we owe thanks for his contribution to the structure 
of the proposed 1.5. 
-Andrews K., 1953. "The Castles of the Morea". 
-Ashton N.G., 1991."Siphnos-Ancient towers B.C.", 
-Carpenter R., Bon A., 1936. "Corinth, Vol. III Part Il, 
The Defences of Acrocorinth and the Lower Town”, 
The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 
Harvard University Press. 
-Potsiou C., loannidis C. Badekas J, 1991. 
"Documentation of Castles in a special G.S.", 
Proceedings of XIV Symposium of C.I.P.A.,Delphi, 
Greece (to be published). 
-Theodorou M., Lymberis A., Sidiropoulos N., Koumousi 
A., Nasiou A.,1990.“Acrocorinth: Proposals for 
Interventions to the circuit Wall", Ancient Corinth.

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