Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

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Fig.5. Black and white photo (a), and thermal images 
of an overburden-slope. Water content zone is clearly 
visible on ,daily thermal image" (b) and also after 
digital image processing as a thermal inertia effect (c). 
overlay formations, is very complex process and 
requires a neutral reaction of soil. The soil having 
too small pH values are designed as the toxic, acid 
ground. These grounds demand an initial neutraliza- 
tion before introduction of flora. In the other words, 
the localization of these formation is very essential 
for proper projection and leading of land reclamation 
works. Thermovision survey is extremely useful for 
toxic soil detection an the waste-dump slops. 
It was stated, that the toxic ground are characterized 
by high level of radiation temperature, which many 
times exceeds the emission of neighbouring forma- 
tions (Mularz, 1987). 
The character and the projection way of the toxic 
ground is almost identical on the evening ther- 
mograms, taken directly after sunset, and on the 
sunrise thermograms, recorded in minimal thermal 
contrast conditions. It is very important, that this 
fact is not the effect of real temperature distribution, 
but it is caused by differences in emission ability 
of toxic and background soil. 
In the course of laboratory investigation, it was 
stated, that the sample of toxic soil after neutraliza- 
tion by destilated and ammonia water characterize 
of considerable reduction of thermal radiation in 
comparison with active state. 
Practical aspect of executed researches consist in 
possibility of practical application of the remote 
thermal recording, made first of all from plane, in 
order to description and control of toxic soil neutra- 
lization on the dumping groubd area. 
Aerial photography taken periodically over the open 
pit mine area, allow for complex estimation of ge- 
ological conditions; generally in the sphere of: 
1. recognition and documentation of geological con- 
ditions, and notable in discrimination of lithologi- 
cal character of exposured formation on slopes 
and working levels, within the overlay and deposit 
series (Fig.6), 
2. ground lithological character recognition within 
stable slopes and the top of dumpbody for the 
necessity of land reclamation design. 
3. interpretation of the engineering-geological 
processes, occurring at open pit mine slopes, 
foreground, slopes and the top of dumpbody 
(slope deformation of landslide type, erosion, 
base displacement etc.) for necessity of en- 
gineering-geological prognosis (Fig.7 and 8). 
4. inventory of exploitation works and balance of 
mineral output effects for estimation of resources 

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