Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

3.3 - The Table 4 reports the complete 
AUTOCAD plotting of 4 pairs, which cover 
the so called "Valadier's rampart" and its 
The plotting was obtained from the re- 
levant numerical files; the control 
points, and their residuals, are reported 
on the drawing. But we deemed it unsuita- 
M ble to transcribe the heights q - which 
are implicit in the numerical data of each 
line - and to draw the contours. If ne- 
cessary, it is always possible to draw 
them on a separate transparency; but we 
guess that the numerical files are the on- 
ly useful item utilizable in any research. 
fig. 3 Starting from these files, in a separate 
paper Paoluzzi and Rosina present at this 
Congress the compressed computer graphics 
plane. Their efficiency is emphasized by representation of these pairs; while the 
the following considerations: static situation of the Valadier's rampart 
= Table 2,a) is a direct plotting in is described in another paper by Croci et 
the original normal coordinates (XYZ; a. 
here a protruding capital appears strongly 
twisted. After the transformation 344 - If it is possible to get ‘adéquate 
(X'Y'Z') -> (shq) the Table 2,b) is obtai- funding, the plottings of the whole El and 
ned, in which the capital's distortion is E2 walls will be collected in an album, 
completely eliminated. format A3, scale 1:100; the relevant nume- 
- Table 3 shows the plotting of some rical data will be reported in floppies, 
very far pairs (about 50 m), reported to annexed to the album. 
the Coliseum system. The perfect alignment The remaining items - i.e. the hori- 
of borders and cornices demonstrates the zontal map, the internal survey, plants, 
perfect  coplanarity of the pairs' repre- sections, etc - will follow, always de- 
sentations. The distance d - 47.8 m bet- pending on the available funds. 
ween 2 control points, measured on the All the above geometry constitutes the 
map, exactly corresponds to the value basis for any further collateral study on 
Ds - 47.84 m obtained from the computa- the Coliseum's architecture, statics,  ma- 
tion. terials, archaeology, etc. Something is 
After all, the Coliseum (shq) coordina- already presented in this Congress; we ho- 
tes appear to be quite reliable. pe that much more may be carried out in 
the next future. 
Rome, April 1992 
The research was funded by the  Univer- of the controls were effected by Dr. G. 
sity of Rome (Rector G.Tecce, Dean A. Mi- Maruffi, and Technicians O. Evandri and M. 
siti), who appropriated a moderate sum for Gaeta. 
the "PROGETTO COLOSSEO", so giving it the The plottings were done by the firm 
possibility of taking off. GEOGRAFICA of Florence. Eng. Carlucci fi- 
The planning and the direction of the nally cared for the AUTOCAD plotting of 
photogrammetric takings were effected by the pairs which are presented here. 
Eng. R.Carlucci; the takings were carried To them all goes our sincere gratitude 
out by Geom. E. Ferri, and our thanks. 
The observations for the determination 

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