Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

6. CONCLUSIONS prior and after exposure to light of appropriate wavelength. 
Further investigations on living tumor cells from patients to 
3D-image analysis by use of a confocal laser scanning be treated are necessary in order to systematically improve 
microscope and dedicated computer hard- and software, as this kind of cancer treatment. 
described in this paper, proves to be very useful for the fast 
localization of photo-sensitizers within living tumor cells 
Brunner B, Burkard W, Steiner R. A., Walt H., "Das Verhalten gynákologischer Tumorzellen in vitro nach Beigabe von 
Photosensibilisatoren für die Photodynamische Therapie (PDT)" ("The behavior of tumor cells of gynaecological origin in 
vitro after addition of photo-sensitizers in PDT"), Arch. Gynecol., in press and MD-thesis. 
Leemann Th., Walt H., Margadant F., Guggiana V., Anliker M., "Synthesis and analysis of 3D-images generated from 
contiguous slice-images obtained by confocal laser scanning microscopy", ISCAS 91, 11- 14 June, Singapore 
Lehareinger Y., "Supercomputing in the IBM-PC Environment", Workshop on Transputers in Computational Science", 
Bad Honeff, 30.11 - 2.12.88 
Lin C. W., "Photodynamic Therapy of Malignant Tumors - Recent Development", Cancer Cells, Vol. 3, No. 11, 437 - 444, 
November 1991 
Perona P., Malik J., "Scale-space and edge detection using inisotropic diffusion", IEEE PAMI, Vol. 12, No. 7, 629 - 639, 
July 1990 

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