Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

jents to 
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rigin in 
Dr. A. Georgopoulos 
Laboratory of Photogrammetry, NTU of Athens 
A. Spinou 
Surveying Engineer 
Commission V 
In this paper a simple integrated modular software package is presented. The 
package performs basic analytical 
calibration to automated  on-screen 
simple digitizer and the package runs 
photogrammetric operations from camera 
restitution. Data collection requires a 
under DOS on a PC compatible without 
special requirements. The automated restitution takes place in AutoCAD envi- 
ronment, thus enabling on-screen editing. No photogrammetric instrument is 
required, thus the system is amiable to non-photogrammetrists. An application 
of the package is briefly presented using non-metric balloon photography, and 
the results are evaluated in terms of accuracy and effectiveness. 
KEY WORDS: Analvtical Photogrammetry, 
The impressive progress of the computer 
industry during the last decade has 
altered the way traditional Photogram- 
metry was applied until then. Our profes- 
sion has passed swiftly from the analo- 
gue, through the analytical to the digi- 
tal era. 
This process has caused an immense change 
of attitude towards the way various 
photogrammetric problems were approached. 
Speed and accuracy have, no doubt, been 
greatly improved, but the main benefit 
lies in the simplification of the various 
procedures. "Alien" processes, such as 
camera calibration, relative and absolute 
orientations, contour interpolation and 
plotting, are performed simply at the 
touch of a button. In this way Photogram- 
metry has become available for the non 
Archaeologists, Architects, Geologists 
and other scientists are now able to 
extract reliable quantitative information 
on their own from photographs they them- 
selves have acquired. They just need to 
perform a few simple measurements on the 
images (analogue or digital) with the 
help of a digitizing tablet and the com- 
puter takes over. Several software pack- 
ages have greatly contributed to this 
end. These packages vary in concept, in 
complexity, in cost and in usage. In the 
following a brief description and com- 
parison of the currently known available 
systems will be attempted. 
Low Cost System, AutoCAD, Software 
1.1 Elcovision 10 
ELCOVISION 10 is an integrated package 
offered initially from WILD Heerbrugg and 
lately distributed by PMS AG. The system 
includes a Leica R6 35mm reseau camera, 
which is recommended by the manufacturers 
for use with it and^ a digitizing tablet, 
where all measurements are performed. It 
allows for photos taken by hand from ar- 
bitrary camera stations, although practi- 
cal experience has shown that near normal 
case performs better. Interior  orienta- 
tion is carried out with the help of sui- 
table transformations to the original 
reseau, or, in special cases, according 
to the already known camera calibration 
data. Measurements are performed monosco- 
pically on paper prints with the help of 
the digitizer. The restitution is carried 
out pointwise on screen within a not so 
friendly editing environment. There is 
however the possibility of interfacing 
the system with commercially available 
CAD packages such as AutoCAD or Microsta- 
tion at extra cost and proceed to the 
editing off-line (Wild — Leitz 1989). 
1.2 Rolleimetric MR2 
ROLLEIMETRIC MR2, distributed by Rollei 
Fototechnik GmbH, is a similar package 
which combines the use of a Rollei semi- 
metric camera (6006, or SLX with, reseau 
plate) of larger format (60x60mm) with 
the software. It claims a similar but 
more versatile approach, allowing for 
more photographs to be measured simulta- 
neously on. the digitizer. tablet. The 
photo-grammetric operations are executed 
in a similar way as with ELCOVISION 10. 

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