Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Moreover the package offers a self-cali- 
bration option and a bundle adjustment 
facility for determining the camera sta- 
tions and additional control points. The 
ROLLEIMETRIC MR2 comes bundled with a 
versatile CAD package, Rolleimetric CAD, 
for  on-screen editing of the restitution, 
which again is carried out  pointwise mo- 
noscopically. It should be noted,  how- 
ever, ‘that there is a stereoscopic ver- 
sion of this package, which is called 
Stereodigimetro FM1, distributed by  GEO- 
TOP Ltd, Italy. This combination enables 
the user to execute more accurate obser- 
vations and emulate continuous plotting 
(Rollei Foto—technic, 1987, Fangi 1988a). 
1.3 PhoX 
PhoX of Studio Presta, Italy. iz another 
photogrammetric software package, which 
differs in many respects from the previ- 
ous two described above. It is based on 
the DLT method and therefore needs a 
large number of control points. On the 
other hand it allows the use of any kind 
of camera (metric,  semi-metric or  non- 
metric), or even a combination. It also 
allows for simultaneous measurements on 
multiple images on the tablet. Most  impo- 
rtantly, it has a direct interface with 
AutoCAD and the restitution is carried 
out in this environment, thus exploiting 
all the editing facilities of a powerful 
standard CAD package. PhoX is user frien- 
dly and extremely easy to learn and use 
(Fangi 1988b, Fangi 1990, Studio Presta 
1.4 Fotomass 
A rather  non-photogrammetric approach is 
offered by this package, which enables 
the restitution of non-stereoscopic 
images based on perspective relations. It 
is offered by SPIRIT AEC, Germany. It 
allows for restituting from  non-metric 
conventional cameras or video recorders 
without taking into account their 
interior orientation. FOTOMASS actually 
calculates the position of the points 
observed on predefined planes of the 
object, which poses certain limitations. 
It is, however, an easy and user friendly 
package for limited use dedicated to the 
SPIRIT CAD package (SPIRIT 1991). 
Feature ELCO 10 ROLLEI 
Camera type m-sm m-sm 
Min. no of CP 0 3-5 
AutoCAD on-line no no 
On-line editing medium 
Bundle adjustment ves 
Max. # of photos 2 20 
Ease of use medium medium 
ARCHIS of Galileo Siscam is a digital 
rectification package based on  perspec- 
tive relations on the image. After the 
rectification the software offers the 
possibility of on-screen detail 
digitization, codification and editing. 
All image enhancement facilities are also 
offered (Fondelli et al. 1991) 
1.6 ASTRI 
The Analytical STereo  Restitution Instru- 
ment is a low cost simple system for ana- 
lytical Photogrammetry (Stambouloglou 
1992a and b). The system includes a two- 
cursor digitizing tablet and the software 
run on a PC. It allows for monoscopic as 
well as stereoscopic restitutions using 
paper prints from all kinds of cameras. 
The photogrammetric reduction is carried 
out with the help of DLT and on-line wi- 
thin AutoCAD environment. Tt is claimed 
that the system may accommodate applica- 
tions ranging from Close-Range to aerial 
Photogrammetry  (Stambouloglou 1992a and 
1.7 Brief comparison 
Although the systems described above are 
quite different in concept, an attempt 
will be made to present their relative 
merits and demerits. At an indisputable 
expense of accuracy all systems are quite 
easy to learn and definitely appeal to 
the non—expert who needs a working tool 
to produce a plot. They are relatively 
cheap in price and normally one only 
needs a commonly equipped PC to run them 
on. They differ in friendliness and capa- 
bilities in minor issues, such as number 
of necessary control points, maximum num- 
ber of photographs which may be used at 
the same time and on-screen editing  faci- 
lities. A comparison of all these systems 
is presented in Table 1. 
The packages briefly described above are 
addressed to specialised photogrammetric 
applications, which mainly include archi- 
tecture, archaeology, recording of  traf- 
m-sm-nm m-sm-nm |m-sm-nm m-sm-nm 
10 — 15 0 4—6 6 
yes no no 
good medium 
no no 
6 1 
high medium 
Cost high high 
Table 1 
low high 
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