Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

The system calibration of POM provides the complete 
calculation of interior and exterior orientation of the RSC 
sensors. The spatial position of the axis of the rotary 
table within the machine coordinate system is also 
2.1 Camera Calibration 
The determination of the interior orientation of the 
cameras can be performed by a suitable 
photogrammetric network using a testfield with sufficient 
point density. In this case the 3D coordinates of the 
testfield must not be known. 
The initial approach for camera calibration was as follow: 
Each camera was calibrated in the laboratory (IPB) 
outside the POM system. A suitable set of 7 images was 
taken of a testfield which carried 35 spatially distributed 
targets. After self-calibrating bundle adjustment the 
parameters of interior orientation were obtained with 
standard deviations less than 5um. The mean accuracy 
of image measurement was about 1pm. 
One shortcoming of this calibration procedure is that the 
cameras have to be dismounted from the measuring 
system if a new calibration is required. This situation 
occurs if, for instance, either a complete system re- 
calibration is necessary, a camera has to be replaced for 
service purposes or if the environmental conditions have 
been changed significantly. Therefore we have 
developed a method for complete system calibration in 
2.2 Complete System Calibration 
The new method uses a calibration frame with 16 
spatially distributed retro-reflective targets which is fixed 
on the part-mounting system (Fig. 3). In conjunction with 
8 additional points which are located on the mounting 
base of the rotary table, a pyramid-shaped testfield with 
a total of 24 targets has been built. This object covers a 
large part of the measuring volume of the system. 
Fig. 3. Testfield for complete system calibration 
The approximate 3D coordinates of the control points 
have to be known only to a few centimeters. In order to 
improve the determination of camera parameters, 
additional precisely known distances, in different 
coordinate directions, have to be introduced [Wester- 
Ebbinghaus 1985]. These distances serve also to 
determine the global system scale. 
The turntable is rotated to 8 different positions in angular 
increment of approximately 45 degrees. In each position 
the testfield is recorded by all cameras, leading to an 
photogrammetric net of 24 images (see Fig. 4). 
After bundle adjustment all parameters of interior 
orientation are given with standard deviations better than 
10pm, whereby the mean error (sigma 0) of adjustment 
is equal to 1.5um. The unknown coordinates of the 
testfield are calculated with an accuracy of < 0.04mm. 
The coordinates of these points are used to fix the 
machine coordinate system in which the exterior 
orientation of the cameras and the rotary table will be 
Using the calibrated values of interior orientation, as well 
as the adjusted target coordinates in the zero position 
(reference position) of the rotary table, a second bundle 
adjustment is computed. In this step, independent 
coordinates of target points are calculated for the other 
seven positions. As a result, the exterior orientation of 
the three cameras in the reference position are obtained. 
In addition there are eight sets of 3D coordinates which 
can then be transformed on to each other by a suitable 
spatial coordinate transformation. The parameters of this 
transformation define the position and orientation of the 
axis of the rotary table within the machine coordinate 
Fig. 4. Image network of system calibration 
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