Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

ctified image measuring system by analy- 
sis of perspective for old centers resto- 
rations. Proceedings of XIV International 
Symposium of CIPA, Delphi October 1991. 
7. Georgopoulos, ^A., 1981. Low altitude 
non-metric photography in surveying. PhD 
thesis (unpublished), University College 
8. Georgopoulos, A., 1990. The photog- 
rammetric potential of small format cam- 
eras. International Archives of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 
28, part 5. Zurich, September 1990. 
9. Kavadas, 1.; Kyfonidou, À., 1988. Ana- 
lvtical Photogrammetry using a PC. 
Diploma Thesis (unpublished), Laboratory 
of Photogrammetry, NTUA. 
10. Rollei  Fototechnic, 1987. Rolleime- 
tric MR2. Vom Foto zur maßstabgerechten 
Zeichnung. Ein «neues Vermessungssystem 
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11. Scott, P.J., 1976. Close Range Camera 
Calibration, A New Method. The Photogram- 
metric Record, Vol. 8(48), October 1976, 
12. Scott, P.J., Georgopoulos, À.. 1979. 
Camera Calibration at very close focal 
settings. The Photogrammetric Record, Vol 
9(54), October 1979, 853-855. 
13. Spinou, A.,. 1991. Automated  restitu- 
tion of stereopairs. Diploma Thesis (un- 
published), Laboratory of Photogrammetry, 
14. SPIRIT, 1991. FOTOMASS product infor- 
mation brochure. | 
15. Stambouloglou, Ep., 199235. ASTRI - 
Analytical STereo Restitution Instrument. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing, Vol. 29, part 2, 
Washington DC. 
16. Stambouloglou, E., 1992b. Close Range 
photogrammetric applications using the 
ASTRI. International Archives of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 
29, part 5, Washington DC. 
17. Studio Presta, 1990. PhoX User's Man- 
18. WILD — LEITZ, 1989. Elcovision 10 

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