Moreover, indicating with the symbol e the error
in the estimate of the predicted signal, i.e. the
difference between its theoretic and its estimated
value: e = t - t, by applying the law of variance
propagation, and taking into account expression
(A.17), the covariance matrix C becomes:
C er Ct. C = (A.18)
= C: +C. B'PBAB'PRC B'PB + ©
t ts ss
B'PB) !p'PBC
t st
Unfortunately, expressions (A.17) and (A.18) are
not very convenient in computation, and it is not
possible to find others more suitable. Therefore
their computation is usually omitted.
Some statistic properties of the mentioned
estimates are now considered. The estimate for the
filtered and predicted signal is consistent and
unbiased under the hypothesis that the expected
value of the observables is zero. The estimate of
the filtered and predicted signal and the estimate
of its error are efficient, i.e. their variance is
smaller than the a priori variance of the signal.
The estimate for the residual noise is efficient,
i.e. its variance is smaller than the a priori
variance of the observations. The estimate of the
filtered and predicted signal has minimal variance
of all linear estimates.
The variance of the noise can also be estimated a
posteriori. Imposing its estimate to be unbiased,
ke? = k Elo?) = E(n‘Pn) = Tr(PC--) (A. 19)
n n nn
one obtains:
kem-nt Trío^ P/ 7B (B'PBC B'PB +
. :
* o gp Bp? (A. 20)
where m is the number of observations and n the
number of parameters. Therefore the a posteriori
estimate of the variance of the noise becomes:
of = (n Pn)/k (4.21)
This estimate is also consistent under the
hypothesis that the observations are normally
distributed. Formula (A.19) can be used for the a
posteriori estimate of variances and therefore
also of weights of a priori defined groups of
The a posteriori estimate of the covariance
function of the signal requires fairly
sophisticated procedures, which are often
computationally heavy and do not always produce
reliable results.
With respect to the computability some
considerations are made concerning the
applications of theorems (A.4) and (A.B). As was
already said before, a suitable application of
these theorems provides systems of dimension n «m,
without inverse matrices which contain other
inverse matrices. The expressions (A.7) and (A. 12)
contain the expressions:
(B*PB) ! BPa? ; (B PB). (A 22)
The solution of this system and the computation of
the inverse matrix are standard procedures in any
least squares problem and, are computable with
direct solution algorithms, which are capable to
work with sparse matrices. Expressions (A.7) and
(1.12) also contain the expressions:
(B“PBC__B“PB + o? BPR) !p'po?
(B*PBC. B'PB + c^ B*PB)' (423)
The normal matrix B'PB was already obtained
before. The covariance matrix: C = C * S.» of
the properly called stochastic *Parameéters is a
sparse matrix when constructed by multiplying,
according to Hadamard, the proper covariance
matrix C by a suitable finite covariance matrix
Sas” Its”Sparseness depends on the "persistence of
c8Prelation" of the finite covariance functions.
Its dispersion however is influenced by the
(re)numbering of the points. The product of three
sparse matrices (B*PB)C* (B PB) is a sparse matrix
itself. The solution ofthe corresponding system
therefore can be computed with iterative solution
algorithms for sparse matrices.
Finally starting from the use of the Hadamard
product to obtain a sparse covariance matrix, an
acceptable approximation of its inverse matrix can
be obtained by multiplying, according to Hadamard,
once more the inverse of the covariance matrix
(C!* S )' by the previous defined finite cova-
riance "matrix S In such a way the matrix
(C5 e S s * S is Sparse too and the expressions:
(o? toit s 25 "et B'PB) ! Ep a*
i (A.24)
(o (c * s )! ^9 Brey
n ss ss ss
could be preferred to the expressions (A.23) dn
term of a greater sparseness of the matrices and a
better numerical conditioning of the systems. This
new approach, which could be called "approximated
integrated geodesy", has not been tested very well
yet, but should be applied in the next future.
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