e method of linear interpolation
e method of parabolic diagram approximation
using minimalization of deviations of diagram
points along :
— lines
— columns.
3.1 Linear interpolation along the luminosity
On the fig.1a there is a diagram of the the luminosity
profile perpendicular to the cross arm axis with the
pixels marked on it with circles. The profile is
determined point by point only by pixels, their posi-
tion along the line (or column) and by their bright-
ness expressed in the 0-255 levels scale. The
definition of the axis of symmetry for that profile
would provide one point of the cross arm axis on
the xz-image-plane. The simplest way to determine
the luminosity profile symmetry axis it is to inter-
polate for each luminosity level of each existing
pixel - the corresponding point on the opposite side
of the diagram. For example, for the pixel marked
by P3 would be interpolated linearly point P3Bis
among pixels P13 and P14, and for pixel P13 would
by linearly interpolated the corresponding P13Bis
point among pixels P3 and P4. The center of sym-
metry S13 of the vector P13 - P13Bis, center of
symmetry S3 of the vector P3 - P3pis, and other
centers Si calculated that way can be used to cal-
culate the final mean value of their position along
the line (or column). This mean center position
mean-Xs would identify the point on the axis of
the cross arm.
To ensure better accuracy this method is modified
as follows. The interpolation is performed not
only for pixels, but additionally for each full value
of brightness (eg. for 150, 149, 148 etc.). Symmetry
center position Si is calculated as a mean value
of all x - value of the points which were found
on certain luminosity level by the interpolation.
The levels containing less or more than 2 inter-
polated points are neglected. After all symmetry
centers were determinate, the mean value mean-Xs
is calculated, and Si canters which differ more
than 1 pixel are selected and rejected. The next
iteration of mean-Xs calculation is performed with-
out points rejected during first iteration. The itera-
tion process is repeated with the successive
selection of center points differing from the mean
value more than 0.1 pixel and 0.01 pixel. The
mean-Xs value calculated for the Si points which
were not rejected in the third iteration is final.
Final mean-Xs can be treated as the point of ana-
lyzed line on the digital image surface which can
be considered for determination the axis of the
analyzed arm of a cross.
After the iterations for certain line were accom-
plished we can analyse which pixels (luminosity
levels) were not excluded during calculations. The
pixels representative for certain luminosity diagram
are those pixels which were accepted to determine
vectors along which the interpolation for symmetry
axis have been permitted.
3.2 Approximation of the luminosity profile using
the parabola equation.
The parabola which approximates pixels along the
luminosity profile can be determined by calculation
coefficients a, b, c of the parabola equation for at
least 3 points pixel of a profile. In case that the
greater number of points determines the profile the
correction equations of the type
can be solved applying the least squares method
(fig.1.b). To get acceptable results the calculations
should be based only on the pixels representative
for the profile (see 3.1).
The calculation of the parabola coefficients with the
use of analysis of Vz deviations is very easy for the
schematization, because normal equations for it are:
x" a + 1b + PIC - [xz] =0
ple * [2] b + [x Je — [xz] =0
KPa + [x jb+ bc-{z]=0
Considering that calculations are always performed
for the predetermined image segment (eg. predeter-
mined with the use of simple filtering; tresholding),
one can assume a local coordinate system for each
cross. In that local coordinate system the pixel
numbers which identify representative pixels will be
these same for many profiles (especially, when the
size and shape of various cross images are these
same). This gives possibility to use precalculated
coefficients of the normal equation what speeds up
very much the calculations.
The position of the axis of the symmetry profile
can be determined from the first derivative of the
parabola equation :
Oz b
c mort and X =
The method of determination of a parabola by the
minimalization of the Vz deviations is very simple,
but seemed to be not optimal for the parabola with
the symmetry axis parallel to the z-axis of the coor-
dinate system. Therefore additionally the parabolic
approximation with the use of Vx deviations mini-