Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

SYSTEM (TOPCON PS-1000/PI-1000) 
Masatoshi ISHII and Hitoshi OTANI 
75-1, Hasunuma-cho, Itabashi-ku, TOKYO, 174 JAPAN 
The measuring method called IMS(Industrial Measuring System),which consists of 2 sets of transits and 
a subtence bar,is capable for non-contact 3D measurements of objects with high accuracy using resection 
method,and it is widely applied for the industrial measurement and civil engineering measurement. 
The developed camera system is an integrated system using a digital transit and metric camera. 
This system is capable for determining camera position and angle(external orientation parameters),and 
obtaining the parameters of photographic condition and expected achievable accuracy in the depth 
measurement in advance without distributing control points on the object. 
Applying this camera system together with a stereo image system (TOPCON PS-1000/PI-1000) in close-range 
photogrammetry,it is possible to improve the efficiency of taking pictures and measurement and to save 
man power. 
Moreover, taking a CCD camera system to get digital data directory,it is expected to realize an on-line 
image processing system. 
In this paper,outline of this camera system,achievable measuring accuracy obtained by the stereo image 
system and its process for plotting are described and efficiency to apply the system to the application 
is discussed. 
KEY WORDS: IMS, close-range, orientation, stereoscopic, camera, resection, superimposition 
Close-range(terrestrial) photogrammetry is useful 
for non-contact 3D measurement method. Its 
measuring time, accuracy and operation, however, 
has not reached to the practical use and does not 
come into wide use. Also, this field has various 
measuring objects, so that the conditions of 
positions of control points, camera arrangement, 
etc. greatly affect the stability of measuring 
accuracy and stereoscopic observation. In the 
orientation processing, position and tilt of 
camera cannot be assumed like an aerial 
photograph and their approximate orientation 
elements are necessary. Such limitation requires 
technical knowledge on photogrammetry. To 
realize the easy measuring for nonprofessionals, 
elimination of absolute control points, 
establishment of simple orientation method, 
considering the camera arrangement and 
development of an easy operating digital plotter 
are required. 
Therefore, as an orientation method for close- 
range photogrammetry, we tried a method which 
directly determines exterior orientation 
parameters when taking photographs, not obtaining 
parameters analytically from conventional 
orientation procedures, but by using IMS 
(Industrial Measuring System). 
The IMS consists of transits and subtence bar, 
which obtains high accuracy of 3D positions 
(center of projection) of transits by collimating 
a several measuring points along the subtence bar 
and then the angles from the measuring network. 
In this experiment, attach a metric camera onto 
the said telescope part and determine the 
relation of transit and camera at a target place 
measured with high accuracy in advance by single 
photogrammetry. Adopt this system to a measuring 
object, position the transits on the right and 
the left hand sides by using the IMS, read 
horizontal and vertical angles when taking stereo 
photographs and determine exterior orientation 
Stereo image system consists of image scanner 
PS-1000 and stereo image workstation PI-1000. 
PS-1000 converts stereo photographs into 
digital images by high resolution and the 
digital image data are stored on an optical 
disk. PI-1000 measures 3D objects by using the 
digital image information that is to be read 
from the optical disk. Like a close-range 
photograph, even on a photograph taken by 
convergence or oblique photography, stereo 
images without y-parallax are formed by digital 
rectification processing and simple stereoscopic 
measurement will be carried out on a polarized 
3D display with a mouse. Moreover, interactive 
semi-automatic measurement by image correlation 
processing can be conducted. The measured data 
are defined as layers and are processed as 
drawing data such as line and circle commands 
and stored in a DXFTM*format file (i.e. drawing 
data exchange file) of AutoCADTM*, Since the 
drawing data can be superimposed on the stereo 
images as stereoscopic figures, confirmation of 
measurement results & editing and re-measurement 
processing can be conducted simultaneously. 
This function is especially useful to analyze 
the close-range photogrammetry which cannot 
limit depth and frequently needs plotting 
* AutoCAD, DXF are U.S. registered trade marks of 
Autodesk, Inc. 
Stereo image system is shown in Fig.1. This 
system has been developed to analyze 3D 
measurements of aerial photographs, close-range 
photographs, satellite images, and so on. 
2.1. Image Scanner PS-1000 
The image scanner, as shown in Fig. 2, consists 
of image scanner, personal computer, image 
monitor, optical disk driver and controller. 
The scanner converts a photograph into a digital 
image with high resolution without changing the 
information of the photograph position and 
moreover it has a high accurate comparator 
function. The photo film is placed on an XY 
stage sandwiched between two glass plates and is 
focused on an area CCD sensor, illuminated 
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