Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Dr.eng. Alexandiu Gutu 
Manager, TOFOCAD SRL, Romania 
Commission No. V 
The Church within Snagov Monastery - an 
historical monument from the l4-th century- 
requires some restoration works. Having 
this aim in view, a survey has been carried 
out both for its architecture and mural 
paintings. Classical and semi-automatic 
technologies carrying out this survey, 
using digital photogrammetry within an in- 
tegrated developing and drawing system are 
presented in this paper. 
Key Words: Analog, Analytical, Archaeolo- 
gical, Architectural, Terrestrial 
Snagov Monastery is located on an isiand 
in Snagov Lake at tne Noutn-East from Bu- 
charest, at about a 50 km distance. An old 
convent and a voivode's church, it was 
also a Romanian orthodox cultural centre. 
In the 14-th century, during the reign of 
Dan I Voivode (1383-1386), it was mentioned 
for the first time; further mentions were 
made both in Mircea cel Bätrîn's documents 
and in the 15-th century Chronicles re- 
garding Vlad Tepes Voivode (1456-1462) 
among its protectors. 
Owing to its strategic position, and based 
on some archaeological investigations that 
island has been considered as a monachal 
place beginning from the ll-th century. 
During 1512-1517, in the reign of Neagoe 
Basarab Voivode, the Church within Snagov 
Monastery was re-built; in 1563, Petiu cel 
Tinär Voivode together with his brothers 
Radu and Mircea ordered the church inner 
side painting. 
In the days of Antim Ivireanu Abbot (1694- 
1705) that monastery became an important 
panorthodox centre, as many Romanian,Greek, 
Slavonic and Arabic sacred books were 
Snagov Monastery was also a prison, espe- 
cially, for unfaithful boyards and even 
some voivodes. Within the pronaos, there 
are to be found nine tombs where the bo- 
yards "beheaded" by Mircea Ciobanu, Ale- 
xandru Mircea and Mihai Viteazu Voivodes 
had been buried. Vlad Tepes, seen as the 
church protector, according to the old 
past chronicles, was buried in a tomb 
within the naos. 
As all the orthodox churches,that one built 
within Snagov Monastery has a cross-shaped 
appearance, divided into three parts: pro- 
naos, naos and altar. 
The Pronaos is a former church porch walled 
in among its pillars. Its inner vault is 
supported by four octhogonal pillars using 
both a circular arc leaned upon the exter- 
nal wall and a pendentive system supporting 
the square base of the tower cylinder with 
a semi-spherical dome on its top. 
The naos: A semi-cylindrical apse along the 
transverse axial plane,one in the South and 
the other in the North sides, and two win- 
dows each are to be found in it. The hanging 
10o0f is supported by four cylindrical pi- 
lasters sustaining the arches; an axial bow 
starts from the central part and ends into 
the altar. The bows outside the pilasteris 
are extending to the  "proscomidia", in the 
North, and "diaconicon" in the South. The 
square tower cylinder base with a semi- 
spherical dome on its top lies upon them. 
The altar is divided into thiee apses, i.e. 
the central apse called the altar, the Noi- 
then one called "proscomidia", and the Sou- 
then one called "diaconicon". In the Nor- 
then and Southen apses, there is a cylin- 
drical tower having a semi-spherical dome 
on its top; it is supported by a square 
Inward the church, there arie mural paintings 
from the 16-th century all over its walls. 
Owing to the earthquakes and the bad weather 
peelings, they must be repaired, as soon 
as possible. The same thing must be said 
about the church re-building, especially 
the pronaos. 
Considering the state-of-art of the Church 
within Snagov Monastery, as we have mentio- 
ned above, its survey is absolutely required. 
It is focussing on both its architecture 
and mural paintings. The architectural suri- 
vey allows to investigate the building it- 
self, viewing to study the preservation and 
restoration concerns, as well as, to iden- 
tify and locate improvements to be done,

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