Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

definite and precise relation between sensor ele- 
ments and frame storage pixels. 
Hence electronic insufficiencies in conventional 
CCIR standard video interfaces destroy the advanta- 
ge of geometric stable CCD sensor elements. A ty- 
pical value for jitter is 20 ns, which will cause 
statistical deviations of about 0.2 pixel in profi- 
le positions from line to line. This value corre- 
sponds very well to the experimentally gained valu- 
es for the standard deviation of profile positions 
around the regression line. 
The solution of this problem follows a simple prin- 
ciple: pixel clock signals from the CCD sensor must 
be transmitted to the frame storage. Fortunately 
more and more manufacturers of cameras and frame 
storage boards get rid of the conventional CCIR vi- 
deo standard and offer pixel-synchronous image ac- 
quisition systems. Applications of pixel-synchro- 
nous image acquisition systems report subpixel re- 
solutions of 1% to 3% of a pixel period [12], 
(13]. This resolution is about 10 times higher 
than the reported resolutions for CCIR standard 
image acquisition systems [5], [14], [15]. 
The industrial application of an optical 3-D sen- 
sing method requires careful considerations about 
system design. Especially the condition of a scan- 
ning illumination system influences the criteria 
for the choice of a CCD camera for the detection 
Evaluation of 3-D data from the camera image de- 
mands for the application of photogrammetric me- 
thods for calibration of the detection system. The 
basic equations for a simple camera model of per- 
spective projection with pinhole imaging are deri- 
ved. The results gained with the experimental setup 
with high symmetry show promising results even for 
this simple model. 
The analysis of the observed errors shows again the 
importance of pixel synchronous image acquisition. 
In spite of this avoidable errors, the accuracy of 
the optical 3-D sensor is comparable with usual in- 
dustrial measuring methods, which can not be used 
for an in-process measurement. Thus the presented 
non-contact, simple and fast optical 3-D sensor ba- 
sed on the principle of light sectioning meets all 
requirements for the in-process measurement of ben- 
ding angles. 
The investigations presented in this paper are car- 
ried out at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, 
Chair of Manufacturing Technology, and supported by 
the 'Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft' (Ref.: Ge 
530/6-1, 'Biegewinkelerfassung'). 
The author would like to thank his professor in or- 
dinary, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Geiger, for 
the opportunity to work on this project and for his 
scientific advise and confidence. 
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