Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

c) to give, in that activity, priority to monuments and 
sites situated in regions subjected to natural disaster 
risks, particularly in earthquake zones, 
d) to seek, if necessary, international co-operation for 
establishing those photogrammetric archives. 
The adoption of this policy by ICOMOS is clearly of major 
importance to CIPA in establishing the principle of recording ali 
such sites in this manner. 
Carbonnell in 1989 on behalf of the CIPA Committee carried 
out a survey to assess how many sites and what level of 
recording had been achieved. He found that nearly 100 sites 
had at least partly been photogrammetrically recorded. Many 
of these of course were photogrammetrically surveyed many 
years before the adoption of the ICOMOS resolution, for 
example, such major sites as Abu Simbel in Egypt and 
Borobudur in Indonesia were recorded in the early 1970s. 
While it is very difficult in a short timescale to establish just 
how many sites have been recorded subsequent to the 1987 
resolution, it is known for example that in Spain the national 
ICOMOS Committee adopted this policy of recording sites, and 
a number of projects in Spain have been carried out specifically 
in the light of the resolution. 
For many other sites in many other countries, it will however be 
a more piecemeal process. In the following pages some 
examples of sites recorded by the photogrammetric method are 
The value of the photogrammetric process for the surveying and 
recording of monuments and sites has been well proven during 
the last thirty years. 
The adoption by ICOMOS of a policy of recording World 
Heritage Sites by photogrammetry is of the utmost value for the 
cultural record of these sites. Also the task of the CIPA 
Committee and the photogrammetric community in persuading 
the owners and managers of such sites of the value of the 
photogrammetric task is made much easier by this official 
resolution of ICOMOS. 
Le Patrimoine Mondial, Leaflet and list of all World Heritage 
Sites, published by UNESCO, 1991. 
The International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration 
of Monuments and Sites, known as 'The Venice Charter', 
ICOMOS, 1964. 
Carbonnell, M, 'Le Fil des Pierres - Photogrammetrie et 
conservation des monuments' published by IGN, Paris, 
October 1978. 
Waldhausl, P, and Butcher, T, 'Evaluation of Photogrammetric 
Methods for the Documentation of the World's Architectural 
Heritage, CIPA Symposium, Rome 1989.

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