Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

image sequence and the known camera parameters 
of the stereoscopic camera pair. In a first step the 
images are rectified and corresponding points are 
searched in each image pair of the sequence. For 
each image pixel an estimate of image disparity is 
calculated and stored in a disparity map Dy together 
with a confidence measure that describes the quality 
of the estimate in Cy. The local disparity measure- 
ments are merged to physical objects during scene 
segmentation and the physical object boundaries are 
recorded in a segmentation map Sy. Prior knowledge 
of the observed scene as well as human interaction 
that guides the segmentation process can be in- 
cluded to improve the modeling quality. All measure- 
ments of one object are interpolated to smooth object 
surfaces andto fill gaps inthe depth map. inthe scene 
segmentation and interpolation stage. All information 
obtained so far from image pair analysis are fused in 
a 3D scene model. The disparity map is converted 
into a depth map and a 3D surface description is 
derived from the depth measurements. The surface 
geometry is represented as atriangular surface mesh 
spanned by control points in space. These control 
points can be shifted to adapt the surface geometry 
throughout the sequence. Not only the scene geome- 
try but also the scene surface texture is stored within 
the model. It istherefore possible to synthesize realis- 
tic looking image sequences (Lk, Rx) from the model 
scene using 3D computer graphics methods [Koch, 
1990]. A 3D motion estimation algorithm is included 
that calculates the motion of the camera and object 
motion throughout the scene and allows to fuse mea- 
surements from multiple view points. From the model 
scene predictions of the measurements (D'k, S'k) can 
be calculated togetherwiththe synthesized sequence 
(L', R' and used in a feedback loop to further en- 
hance the reliability of the measurements. This feed- 
back loop improves the 3D scene analysis based on 
comparison of the synthesized 2D sequence with the 
real image sequence based on the analysis by syn- 
thesis principle. 
The analysis of a stereoscopic image pair is split into 
correspondence analysis and scene segmentation. 
The correspondence analysis tries to locally estimate 
image plane correspondences while during scene 
segmentation image areas that belong to physically 
connected regions are identified through similarity 
measures and merged to scene objects. In a prepro- 
cessing step the image pair is rectified to give an 
image pair where the camera axes are parallel and 
the cameras are displaced is in horizontal image 
plane coordinates only. This image rectification great- 
ly simplifies correspondence analysis and the search 
space is reduced to parallel horizontal epipolar lines 
Correspondence analysis 
The correspondence analysis is split in three parts. 
First a candidate for a corresponding point must be 
identified in one image, thenthe corresponding candi- 
date inthe other image is searched alongthe epipolar 
lines and third the most probable candidate match 
between both images is selected based on a quality 
criteria. This search is repeated for each candidate, 
that is for each pixel. To select candidates the image 
grey level gradient G is evaluated. The image gradi- 
entis a vector field pointing into the direction of chang- 
ing image texture like grey level edges. Only areas 
exceeding a minimum image gradient value |G| » 
Gmin can be candidates for correspondence. The 
quality of the candidate can be estimated when com- 
paringthe gradient direction with the search direction. 
Edges perpendicular to the search direction can be 
located best while edges parallel to the search direc- 
tion cannot be located at all. This quality measure C 
can be calculated in Eq. (1). Candidates with C4 = 0 
can not be estimated there candidates with C4 = 1 
have highest confidence in estimation. 
forlGl < Gain 
C, (1) 
The estimation of C4 is carried out for each image 
pixel. Each pixel with a gradient quality measure of 
C4 » 0 will be selected as candidate. For each candi- 
date a small measurement window (typically 11*11 
pixel) around the candidate position in one grey level 
image is chosen and the corresponding grey level 
distribution is searched for in the other image. The 
search spaceis reducedto aone-dimensional search 
along the epipolar line between minimum and maxi- 
mum disparity values derived from the known mini- 
mum and maximum scene distance. To select the 
most probable corresponding candidate along the 
search line, the normalized cross correlation (NCC) is 
calculated between the candidates. The most prob- 
able candidate pair is the pair with maximum cross 
correlation. The disparity value obtained for this can- 
didate pair is recorded in a disparity map. The NCC 
is additionally used to define the correspondence 
quality. Selected corresponding pairs with low NCC 
are corresponding points with low confidence. There- 
fore a second quality measure Co in Eq. (2) can be 
defined that reflects the correspondence measure- 
ment confidence. Experiments have shown that can- 
didates below a minimum threshhold NCCmin (NCC- 
min being approximately 0.7) are most often false 
matches that should be discarded. The confidence 
quality is therefore defined to be zero below NCC min 
and NCC elsewhere. 
for NCC < NCC in 
C; (2) 
Both quality measures can be merged to one mea- 
sure C, = C4: Co that contains the combined quality 
measure for each candidate. From the correspon- 
dence analysis two candidate maps are created: a 
disparity map contains the most probable disparity 
value for each candidate and a confidence map con-

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