Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

* Before diagnosing a network using performance 
data based on the variance-covariance matrix 
(Q,x) of the determined target coordinates as ob- 
tained from a bundle adjustment, a pre-diagnosis 
Step can be performed. Pre-diagnosis uses the 
number of non-parallel rays and statistics on the 
convergence angle (e.g. mean and range) between 
the rays intersecting at each object point as evalu- 
ation data and thereby can provide a quick and 
simple means of detecting weaknesses in the im- 
aging geometry of the network. 
The application of these heuristics in network diagnosis 
can be conceptualised in terms of a decision tree, a few 
branches of which are shown in Figure 6.It is clear to see 
that, with each new decision in the tree, the diagnosis 
search space becomes broader. 
Are the 
number of rays 
at each point 
Fact: network 
satisfies basic 
reliability criteria 
Fact: some points 
have insufficient 
Is the 
angle at each 
point O.K.? 
Fact: imaging Fact: imaging 
geometry appears geometry weak at 
to be strong some points 
Is the precision 
of each point 
Fact: network Fact: some points 
satisfies precision fail precision 
criteria criteria 
: «ff 
Figure 6 Partial decision tree for network diagnosis. 
Dashed lines indicate other branches in this 
Once the knowledge about a task has been conceptual- 
ised, the next step (see Figure 1) in building an ES is to 
formalize this knowledge into knowledge engineering 
representations. This step is illustrated here by an exam- 
ple formalization of the diagnostic task described above. 
The application of the two most widely-used knowledge 
representations are considered. Firstly, frames are useful 
for representing hierarchical knowledge and secondly, 
rules are appropriate for representing the heuristic 
knowledge in network design. The goal here is not to re- 
view the features of these representations as such, but 
rather to demonstrate how the representations can be ap- 
plied to the knowledge in this domain. 
4.1 Example: Representing Hierarchical Knowledge 
in Network Diagnosis with Frames 
A frame is essentially a structure for holding various 
types of knowledge. Conceptually, a frame represents an 
item (e.g. a physical object), an idea or hypothesis. The 
contents of the frame, called slots, describe that item in 
some way (e.g. its characteristics, properties and/or be- 
haviour). The chief advantage of having a frame-based 
representation is that it provides a means for categorizing 
and structuring diverse data-types in the knowledge base, 
and a framework whereby not only the data, but also the 
structure of the data, can be reasoned with (Walters and 
Nielsen, 1988). 
The elements of each photogrammetric network can be 
categorised into four different classes - camera stations, 
images (e.g. photographs), object target points and their 
observations, i.e. image points measured in the images. 
The physical relationships between instances of these 
classes lend themselves naturally to the hierarchical 
structuring shown in Figure 7. For instance, the image 
exposed at 
Observation of 
..... Image point k 
Figure 7 Hierarchical structuring of configuration data in 
network design. 
point k is an observation of the object point / and was 
measured in the image j. In turn, image j was exposed at 
station i. Each network design will be comprised of mul- 
tiple stations at which, depending on the SOD, at least 
one image will be exposed. Moreover, each object point 
will be observed in multiple images; exactly in which is, 
of course, an important issue that needs to be addressed 
during network design. In addition to camera format, 
such factors as point visibility and ray incidence angles 
can cause image point “loss” and if not accounted for, 
may detrimentally affect the realism of the design simu- 
lation" (Shortis and Hall, 1989). In any case, all relation- 
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