Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

The Fraunhofer CAMSYS consists of a DALSA Turbosen- 
sor camera and PC interfaces for camera control and data 
transfer from a 64 MB RAM frame storage to the PC hard- 
disk. Optionally a camera with 256 x 256 pixels and 200 
images per second or a camera with 128 x 128 pixels and 
1000 images per second can be used. By skipping lines the 
temporal resolution can be increased to 3200 images per 
second (256 pixel version) or 6400 images per second (128 
pixel version) at constant data rate. Like with the Ektapro 
EM the maximum sequence length is limited to about 5 
seconds by the RAM capacity. 
Besides linear array sensors with data rates of up to 120 
MHz DALSA does also offer some more area cameras with 
32 x 32 pixels, 64 x 64 pixels (3000 frames per second) or 
512 x 512 pixels (60 frames per second), all with camera 
data rates of 16 MHz. DALSA does not offer any storage 
devices, so that the compilation of a complete system has to 
be solved by the user. 
EG&G Reticon offers some interesting cameras and sys- 
tems with imaging rates ranging from 100 images per sec- 
ond up to 15,000 images per second. The Reticon sensors 
are photodiode array types with a non-interlaced output. 
The MC9000 series area cameras are available with a 128 x 
128 pixels sensor (380 images per second) or a 256 x 256 
pixels sensor (105 images per second) and have been used 
by scientists extensively (e.g. Dahm et al., 1990). With data 
rates of 8 MHz they do not belong to the fastest cameras 
today. The MC4256 (Figure 2) is a new fast framing cam- 
era which integrates directly into a PC. It comes with the 
same 256 x 256 pixels photodiode array as the MC9000, 
but by parallel read-out with 8 read-out ports an imaging 
rate of 480 images per second is achieved. The companion 
AT-bus interface provides complete camera control and a 
64, 256 or 1024 frame memory, which corresponds to a 
maximum sequence length of 1/8, 1/2 or 2 seconds. 
Figure 2: MC4256 camera with PC interface board 
Highest frame rates can be achieved with the MC6464 
camera (Figure 3), that can produce analog video at 15,000 
frames per second from a 64 x 64 pixels sensor with 32 par- 
allel read-out ports. The companion control unit produces 
12 bit digital video at 7500 frames per second. 
Figure 3: MC6464 camera 
All these PC based systems with RAM storage are limited 
in their storage capacity as the RAM on board can not be 
arbitrarily extended and the write rates to standard hard- 
disks are generally too small. An alternative to RAM stor- 
age is the storage of image sequences on realtime disks 
(RTD, sometimes also called videodisk). RTD systems 
come as parallel transfer disks (one disk with multiple write 
and read heads) or - mostly - as parallel disk arrays (Figure 
4) and a controller distributing the data over many single 
disks. The most powerful systems available today offer 
data rates of up to 292 MB/sec and 672 GB of total capac- 
ity. Disregarded the cost such a system can be an ideal stor- 
age device for longer image sequences, if it can be 
interfaced to a high-speed camera. 
aii digital 
Figure 4: Parallel disk array - principle 
3. Multiple sensor systems 
A relatively simple method to reach high imaging rates is 
the sequential read-out of more than one sensor. To the 
authors knowledge there is no such multisensor system 
commercially available on the market, but if the task allows 
to accept some handling problems one can relatively easily 
design a powerful scalable high-speed system by simply 
cascading standard CCD cameras. If one uses for example 
16 CCD cameras with 50 ficlds per second each (CCIR) 
and a shutter time of 1/1000 sec or less and synchronizes 
them phase-shifted in a way that the integration times do 
not overlap (Figure 5), one can achieve an imaging rate of 
800 images per second at a resolution of e.g. 756 x 287 
pixels (Sony XC77 or relatives). This corresponds to a data 
rate of 175 MHz, which is far beyond the data rate of any of 
the systems mentioned above. Working with full frames is 
not possible here as electronically shuttered cameras do

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