Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

an ellipse? 
To give an idea of how such an measurement mark is 
represented on frame grabber, the following grey scale 
picture of a well defined ellipse shown: 
152.132 97 52 36:37: 31 27 31:40 54 72.835 78. 106 
142 122 87 42 25 21 13. 12 20 24 32 56 69 72 109 
127.97 70 36 11 5. 5 5 11-13-19 42.60 71 :106 
116. 81-50: 257 ar] 4,0. 0.2.6 15 35..52 .70..102 
107.6939 16 4 0 .0 0 O0 3 10 24 47 69. 99 
87 53 34 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 14 39 65 95 
76.153 30 ‘10° 0 20 0. 0 0 0° 0 8 “31 61:88 
76 58-31.2. 0-0 0.0. 0-/10- 0.7. 22 +50 - 88 
85 56 21 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0,33. 15 43 80 
8 52 13 0 0 00 0 00 60 1 2°3 H 
8 53 14 0 0 0 0 0 6 G G 0 6.27 6 
81.53 18.0.0 0, .0..0 40 0.0.0 5. 26.62 
90 644 233 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 16 31 60 
100.71 22:2 0 0° 0 0 0 0 0 Q0 14 3 63 
1232 31.3 0 0 0 0: 0-0 0 O0 8 3% 66 
113 70 30 1900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |! 39 60 
10361 33 15 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 36 63 
92 58 31 14-4 0 0 0 Q0 —0 0 5 2 4 70 
100381 46 17 6 0 0 0 0 O0 4 14 27 48 7$ 
F592 52 17 3 0 0 0 0 0 6 17 30 52 8 
133 105.60 23 1d4 11:4 0 0 0 5 20 39 76 109 
139.109 71 44 28 10 8 6 3 7 14 24 44 87 125 
153 132 100 64. 40 16 15 16 13 19$ 22 35 60 95 135 
173 165 133 84 60 33 25 23 19 22 33 50 79 105 143 
In order to show the measurement on an ellipse in de- 
tail and how the problems described above can be 
solved, an example of an ellipse measurement proce- 
dure is given. 
Based on an approximate value, seven straight lines in 
50° ankles are set and the highest gradients of the grey 
scale on these lines are identified. The coordinates of 
these gradients are taken as potential ellipse margins. 
With these seven coordinates a ellipse with minimal 
error is approximated. If the initial approximate value 
was not focused in the ellipse it will in most cases be 
impossible to find an ellipse with a sufficiently small 
error rate through these points, meaning that the ap- 
proximate value has to be improved. Should the ad- 
justment succeed erroneously, the same procedure 
must be repeated with a number of straight lines selec- 
table by the user. In this case, the adjustment of an el- 
lipse with a relatively high number of straight lines will 
fail if the approximate value was not situated in the 
signal to be measured. Also in this case the approxi- 
mate value is improved afterwards. 
If the approximate value was initially placed within the 
measurement mark the test described above is success- 
ful and the real measurement with an amount of 
straight lines adjusted by the user can be started. The 
value resulting from the seven-lines-test is taken as an 
approximate value for the accurate measurement. The 
advantage is, that the second initial value is placed in 
the center of the ellipse and therefore the straight lines 
starting at this point cross the margins of the ellipse at 
a 90? ankle. For this reason they cross distinctive el- 
lipse margins, which can be calculated with high accu- 
racy. Based on the error rate of the ellipse adjustment 
it is possible to distinguish between objects and inter- 
ferences. Should this interference be a perfect ellipse, 
it is impossible to avoid that this false ellipse is re- 
cognised as a signal mark. A further hint to identify 
such false ellipses is the size of this mark in the frame 
grabber system. In general, calculated values are taken 
as an approximate value for measuring the ellipse. 
These values result from approximately known object 
coordinates and the recording position. As this also 
gives the distance between signal marks and recording 
position it is possible to calculate the size of the signal 
marks in the negatives. This calculated size is used for 
the identification and control of the signal. 
The approximate value (or the potential ellipse focus) 
must be improved in the following cases: 
e the error rate resulting from the adjusting ellipse of 
the first test or the main measurement is too high 
e the difference between calculated and measured 
size is too high 
This is achieved by means of search of gradients on a 
helical path around the starting point. 
For this search it is presumed that the starting value is 
not situated within the ellipse. In case of black target 
marks it is then searched for a transition from bright to 
dark on the helical path. Having found such a transi- 
tion of sufficient size the search is continued until a 
transition from dark to bright is found. The center of 
the connecting line is used as the following starting 
point for the described ellipse measurement. To avoid 
an ellipse adjustment on an already tested position, the 
positions on which the adjustment had already failed, 
are stored and compared to probable new positions. 
Only if the positions differ significantly from the ex- 
isting ones, a new ellipse adjustment is tried. This pro- 
cedure avoids repeated failing adjustments, as for ex- 
ample on bright to dark margins. 
A one-dimensional folding on a seven scale field is 
used to identify the transitions. The corresponding 
vector is the following: 
A u 9 1 2 3 
The gained folding values correspond roughly to the 
first derivation of the function defining the basic grey 
value spectre. This first derivation is examined under 
the aspect of finding a maximum or a minimum. The 
exact position of the maximum is determined by calcu- 
lating the center point above the folding values. This 
maximum, represented by sub-pixel values, cor- 
responds to the turning point of the grey scale func- 
tion. This turning point is the requested transition from 
dark to bright or vice versa. 
The search of gradients by means of a folding has the 
advantage of being tolerant against interferences as it 
takes into consideration a relatively large spectre of 
grey values. This tolerance is intensified by the addi- 
tional calculation of the center point above the detec- 
ted folding values. 
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