Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

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zl x 
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4 z x . > 
apparent camera positions 
Fig.6: Arrangement of the beam splitters 
Fig.6 shows the way the beam splitters were arranged in 
front of the lenses to obtain a constant distance to the 
tool so that the object remains in the range of focus while 
the cameras are shifted parallel to the reseau grids. It is 
necessary to shift the cameras because the cutting edges 
of the tools lie in different distances to the rotation axis 
and at different heights. By turning the tool the edges 
can always be put in a plane parallel to the reseau grids 
so that no movement in depth is necessary. Whether the 
cutting edges or parts of the reseau grids are projected 
onto the CCD-arrays is determined by the illumination of 
the desired spot. 
With the use of three beam splitters per camera it seems as 
if there are six cameras. Because all components are fixed 
together the exterior orientation of one image is enough to 
determine the orientation of the whole optical system. As 
the images have a very narrow angular aperture there is no 
influence of lens distortion detectable. The parameters of 
the inner orientation are highly correlated with the exterior 
orientation, so it is sufficient to have only rough values. 
The mathematical model for reseau crosses in the first 
image is described by the well known collinearity equations: 
Xa7 f (91,01, 51, Xo1, Yo, Zo1) (3.1) 
X;; : image coordinates of the independent first image 
£1 — Zoi : parameters of the exterior orientation 
The geometric relation for the other five dependent images 
are determined by the orientation parameters of the first 
image and the parameters of the relative orientation bet- 
ween the first and each of the other five images j. 
X;i=f(p1,w1, k1, Xo1, Yo1, Loi, do, dw;, dk;, b. b b.;) 
X;; : image coordinates of the dependent images 
d; — b; : parameters of the relative orientation 
As there are several images with a constant relation to 
each other it is not enough to compute 5 parameters for 
the relative orientation. 6 Parameters are necessary to ob- 
tain a homogeneous scale for the whole imaging system. 
Simulations have shown that the standard deviations of the 
exterior orientation parameters for layout 1 and 2 are al- 
most identical, that means that the unknown object points 
do not contribute to stabilize the computation of these pa- 
rameters. Table 1 summarizes the standard deviations, as- 
suming an accuracy of 1 um for image coordinates and an 
angle of 80 gon between the bundles of rays in horizontal 
pi wi K1 Xo1 Yoi Zo 
[mgon] | [mgon] | [mgon] | [pm] | [um] | [um] 
8.5 3.9 3.3 1.9 0.8 0.5 
Tab. 1: theoretical standard deviations of the exterior 
orientation parameters (layout 1 and 2) 
The X-axis lies in horizontal direction , the Y-axis in verti- 
cal direction and the Z-axis perpendicular to X and Y. As 
expected the determination of ¢; and Xo, is more difficult 
compared to the other parameters. But it is of no use to 
widen the opening angle to a farther degree because of 
the limited range of focus. 
The differences between layout 1 and 2 lie in the corre- 
lation of the unknowns. Because of the extrapolation in 
layout 1 the correlation between ¢; and X; amounts to 
0.77 and the correlation between w, and Y; to 0.42. These 
values are much higher than in layout 2, where the corre- 
lation between ¢; and X; and between v; and Y; amounts 
only to 0.09. The different correlations cause the diffe- 
rent standard deviations for unknown object coordinates 
as shown in Table 2. 
x[um] y[um] z[um] 
layout 1 3.3 23 6.5 
layout 2 2.0 2.0 6.3 
Tab. 2: theoretical standard deviations for unknown object 
In order to control the theoretical values empirical inve- 
stigation were made and have given the results shown in 
Tab. 3. They were derived by repeated measurements of 
reseau crosses as unknown object points. Both tests were 
made under similar conditions. 
x[um] yim] z[um] 
layout 1 13 4 9 
layout 2 3 3 9 
Tab. 3: empirical standard deviations for unknown object 

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