Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Beyer, H.A., 1991. Evaluating the Geometric Performance 
of Signal Transmission, First Australian Photogrammetric 
Conference, 7 - 9 November 1991, Sydney, Australia. 
Beyer, H.A., 1992a. Geometric and Radiometric Analysis 
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System. Dissertation No 9701, ETH-Zürich. 
Beyer, H.A., 1992b. An Introduction to Solid-State Sensors. 
In preparation. 
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1987, Vol. 26 No. 9, pp. 864-874. 
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Burner, A.W., Snow, W.L., and Goad, W.K., 1985. Close 
Range Photogrammetry With Video Cameras. Technical 
Papers - 51st Annual Meeting ASP, Vol. 1, ASPRS, 62- 
Burner, A.W., Snow, W.L., Shortis, M.R., Goad, W.K., 
1990. Laboratory Calibration and Characterization of 
Video Cameras. SPIE Vol. 1395., pp. 664-671. 
Curry, S. Baumrind, S., Anderson, J.M., 1986. Calibration 
of an Array Camera. PE&RS, Vol. 52, No. 5, pp. 627- 
Dähler, J., 1987. Problems in Digital Image Acquisition 
with CCD-Cameras. in: Proceedings of the ISPRS Inter- 
commission Conference, Interlaken, pp.48-59. 
El-Hakim, S.F., 1986. A Real-Time System for Object Mea- 
surement with CCD cameras. IAPRS, Vol. 26, Part 5, pp. 
Gruen, A., 1985. Adaptive least squares correlation - a pow- 
erful image matching technique. South African Journal of 
Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Cartography, 14 
(3), pp. 175-187. 
Gruen, A.W., Beyer, H.A., 1986. Real-Time Photogramme- 
try at the Digital Photogrammetric Station (DIPS) of ETH 
Zurich. Paper presented at the ISPRS Commission V 
Symposium, “Real-Time Photogrammetry - À New Chal- 
lenge”, June 16-19, 1986, Ottawa, and in: The Canadian 
Surveyor, Vol. 41., No. 2, Summer 1987, pp. 181-199. 
Gustafson, P.C., 1991. An Accuracy/Repeatability Test for a 
Video Photogrammetric Measurement. SPIE Vol. 1526, 
Industrial Vision Metrology, pp. 36 - 41. 
Gülch, E., 1984. Geometric Calibration fo two CCD-Cam- 
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C100. IAPRS, Vol. XXV, Part A3a, pp. 159-168. 
Gruen, A.W., 1978. Accuracy, Reliability and Statistics in 
Close-Range Photogrammetry. Presented paper, Inter- 
Congress Symposium, ISPRS Commission V, Stock- 
holm, August 1978. 
Haggrén, H., 1984. New vistas for Industrial Photogramme- 
try. IAPRS, Vol. 25, Part A5, commission V, ISPRS Con- 
gress Rio de Janeiro, pp. 382-391. 
Haggrén, H., 1991. Real-Time Photogrammetry and Robot 
Vision. 43. Photogrammetrische Woche, Universitát Stut- 
tgart, 9-14. September 1991. 
Heikkilá, J., 1988. Some Tests on the Stability of the Digiti- 
zation of analog Video Signal. Photogrammetric Journal 
of Finland, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1988, pp. 12-19. 
Lenz, R., 1988. Videometrie mit CCD-Sensoren und ihre 
Anwendung in der Robotik. Habilitationsschrift, Tech- 
nische Universität München, München. 
Luhmann, T., 1988. Ein hochauflösendes automatisches 
Bildmeßsystem. Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten der Fach- 
richtung Vermessungswesen der Universität Hannover, 
Nr. 154, Hannover. 
Pinkney, H.EL., 1978. Theory and Development of an On- 
Line 30 Hz Video Photogrammetric System for Real- 
Time 3-Dimensional Control. Proceedings of ISP Sympo- 
sium on Photogrammetry for Insdustry, August, 1978, 
Raynor, J., Seitz, P., 1990. The Technology and Practical 
Problems of Pixel-Synchronous CCD Data Acquisition 
for Optical Metrology Applications. SPIE, Vol. 1395, 96- 
Shortis, M.R., Burner, A.W., Snow, W.L., Goad, W.K., 
1991. Calibration Tests of Industrial and Scientific CCD 
Cameras. First Australian Photogrammetric Conference, 
7 -9 November 1991, Sydney, Australia. 
Wiley, A.G., Wong, K-W., 1990. Metric aspects of zoom vi- 
sion. SPIE Vol. 1395, pp. 112-118. 
Wong, K.W. 1969. Geometric Distortions in Television Im- 
ageries. PE Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 493-500. 
Wong, K.W., Ho, W-H., 1986. Close - Range Mapping with 
a Solid State Camera Photogrammetric Engineering and 
Remote Sensing, Vol. 52, no. 1, January 1986, pp. 67-74. 

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