Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

PInned Target Array 
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Camera Stations 
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Figure 1. network geometry, detailing target array, all 
camera stations and survey simulation targets. 
2.2 High precision estimation of reference target 
One ofthe main requirements for the computation of target 
coordinates was for a datum which would not introduce 
shape distortions into the object space. Such a datum could 
be defined by the method of inner constraints, in which the 
seven elements of datum definition are defined by the 
target coordinate starting values. 
The target array was photographed on two occasions, with 
a variety of cameras including a UMK 10/1318, a P32, a 
reseau equipped Hasselblad SWC with a variety of film 
and camera back combinations, and also an unmodified 
Hasselblad SMC. Photographs on glass plates as well as 
film were made with all cameras. 
All target images were measured three times using the 
NPL ZKM measuring microscope. For each frame the 
target array and reseau images were automatically driven 
around with manual setting of the measuring mark on each 
point. The comparator coordinates produced could then be 
processed according to the reference mark system 
available in each camera. 
Some of the results of these experiments have been 
discussed in Robson 1990 and 1991a. This paper will 
concentrate on data sets from two of the cameras; the 
UMK 10/1318 using Agfa Holotest 10E75 glass plates 
(Agfa 1989, Cooper and Robson 1990); and on images 
from a modified Hasselblad SWC used in conjunction 
with a 120 film back and Kodak Technical Pan film 
(Kodak 1987). 
The main free adjustment incorporated a network with 9 
physical cameras, 60 images and 3654 target image 
measurements. Results from the adjustment pertinent to 
this discussion are described in table 1. The variance factor 
associated with this adjustment is significantly greater 
than unity primarily because the image measurements 
were considered as independent stochastic variables. The 
photo-coordinates from each frame must be physically 
correlated, not least because film unflatness is asystematic 
effect. Correlation between measurements is difficult to 
determine in practice and generally requires that the 
variance components be estimated as unknowns in the 
adjustment (Kilpela 1980, Torlegard 1989). Such a 
variance component analysis is not pertinent here because 
the twin photo networks with which we are concerned 
cannot support such an estimation due to high internal 
The cameras used did not conform to the assumed 
colinearity model, so additional parameters were included 
to model focal length, departures of the principal point 
from the optical axis and lens parameters to model radial 
and tangential lens distortions (Fryer 1988). These were 
estimated in the main free adjustment, one set of 
parameters for each physical camera. The resultant 
parameter values could then be used as starting values in 
subsequent adjustments each parameter being constrained 
by its standard error. In this way best estimates of the 
physical properties of each camera lens cone could be 
included. Since film deformation could also be partially 
modelled by these parameters, all reseau images in the 
main adjustment were corrected for film deformation. 
Correction was carried out using the local bilinear 
correction, since this too provided a best estimate of the 
actual deformations occurring, independent from the 
bundle adjustment. 
Table 1. Some parameters from the “free bundle 
adjustment" incorporating all images 
Degrees variance RMS RMS object space 
of Factor photo-coordinate| coordinate standard 
Freedom residuals deviations 
6702 | 1.290 x: 2.58 um X: 57 uum 
y: 3.07 um Y: 45 um 
Z: 45 um 
2.3. Adjustments based on simulated survey control. 
To investigate effects of image deformation on the object 
Space a survey was simulated. Some of the target 
coordinates estimated from the free adjustment were 
constrained by standard errors of Imm, a value considered 
reasonably obtainable from a three station theodolite 
control survey. Two target configurations were used, the 
first covering the whole test field area (11, 15, 52, 81 and 
95) and the second with reduced control at the top right 
corner (11, 23, 52, 81 and 95) (Figure 1). 
À set of adjustments was carried out using both the UMK 
and modified Hasselblad photo-coordinate data sets. In 
both cases each adjustment permutation was run with the 
appropriate complete set of photographs and then using 
the top left and right images as a convergent pair. 
The reseau present in the modified Hasselblad camera 
permitted the application of several different film 
deformation corrections (Ziemann 1980): 
(i) Raw plate; simply the comparator coordinates 
transformed to the photo coordinate system by treating the 
four corner reseau marks as fiducial marks. No calibration 
of the fiducial coordinates was assumed, the approach 
simply used least squares to fit a square axis through the 
coordinates. This approach is analogous to that applied to 
the UMK images. 

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