Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

glass plate flat in the image plane and are probably coupled 
with humidity effects. In a twin camera survey without 
apriori knowledge of all locations in the object space it is 
difficult to see how systematic effects such as those in 
figure 3, could be detected and modelled reliably within 
the adjustment process especially given only four fiducial 
coordinates. A possible approach would be to stabilise the 
physical properties of the imaging system and to derive a 
physical model which could be applied either before 
adjustment or by the method of prior constraints. An 
indicator of the gross departures from the model could be 
based on a knowledge of fiducial mark discrepancies 
occurring under calibration conditions. 
An interesting question can be posed at this point; are the 
object coordinate discrepancies significant in a real 
situation where we are interested in plotting three 
dimensional line strings? Results have been based on high 
contrast target images produced using high resolution 
emulsion, not natural features which tend to be less 
distinct. Also measurements were made to below lium 
rms as compared to a conventional analytical plotter with 
a typical rms of 3 jum. Such considerations mean that any 
accuracies predicted by network design must take into 
account the pointing ability to real features. It must then 
be decided if systematic effects due to departures of the 
emulsion surface from the assumed image plane are likely 
to be significant. 
3.2. Adjustments featuring the modified Hasselblad 
SWC camera. 
Three sets of adjustments were computed from the 
Hasselblad photo-coordinate data. The first set included 
all 8 images with a datum based on the first simulated 
survey control set, The other two adjustments used just the 
top left and right photographs ("3" and "4" in figure 1) in 
conjunction with the first and second survey control sets 
respectively. Each adjustment was further divided to 
include the four methods of film deformation correction 
described previously. In total there were 12 adjustment 
3.2.1. Results from the 8 photograph Hasselblad 
camera adjustments. 
Within this set of adjustments, the only variable was the 
method of film deformation correction applied. In such 
cases the variance factor can be used as a crude global 
descriptor of film deformation correction effectiveness. 
Table 3. Some parameters from the 8 photo 
Hasselblad Adjustment, Set (1) 
Dess RMS Object Coordinate RMS 
; : i Photo-coordinate 
Freedom [Variance discrepancies and 
758 Factor Standard Deviations (mm) residuals (p.m) 
Correction X Y Z X y 
0.21 0.27 0.26 
; 2.69 2.03 
Raw Plate | 1.642 (0.81) | (0.88) | (0.76) 
0.19 0.33 0.23 
Affine 2.547 (1127) | (1.44) | (1.16) 2.95 3.44 
Mean 0.28 0.26 0.21 
. : .96 
Bilinear 1713 (1.06) | (1.20) | (0.97) 249 2 
Local 0.25 0.26 0.19 
s .206 2.18 2.68 
Bilinear H2 
Hasselblad 8-Photo 
3 4 
AN i5, \ t 
=» A ’r AJ + 
7 4 > da d ye +} 
l \ + / Saas LA 
bobine CS 
LM 7, $4 Y 
x^ pot. 7 / 
A as 
10 \um JO um 
Local BllInear 
3 4 
m} = + vol 
X x tt 
NS y > v / cvs + 
et à Ard 
| A 1 +, ANY , à 
X X + 
/ Ve X 
+ T, \, > 
ye spn TR / 
Lory : 
10 um 10 um 
Figure 4. À selection of photo-coordinate residuals from 
the 8-photo Hasselblad Adjustment. 
The data set which utilised the affine transformation has 
produced the largest variance factor, and arguably the 
worst solution. À probable reason for this is that larger 
image deformations occurring at the frame edges have 
made a significant contribution to all photo-coordinate 
corrections. The mean bilinear method has also suffered 
because atypicalities between frames have lead to spurious 
photo-coordinate corrections. 
Ob Ject Space DIscrepancles 
Front Vi 
Affine C Cu Local BllInear 
= 5 = uos T d \ = L — M € 
cn Ni" VAR sens 
x \ I 1 NS — 2S — 
-— -- > i emm = ~ e 
dr X - Ta = 7 
i x eM OA 7 th m = 
x Ed Fo # | 2X A 
eT \ 
2 mm 
Aff Ine Top View Local Blllnear 
AREE: K ker 
^A) | v V 
Figure 5. Object Space discrepancies from the 8-photo 
Hasselblad Adjustment.

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