Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Table 4. Some parameters from the twin photograph Hasselblad adjustments 
Degrees of | \Variance Factors | RMS Object space coordinate discrepancy, Coordinate | RMS Photo-coordinate residuals 
Freedom: 64 standard eviation (mm) (um) 
Correction | (1) OQ xp vo, zDl xoi vo |.zo Ixp.] xp Lxo | yo 
070 | oso | o74 | 082 | 059 | 070 
Raw Plane [1.316 | 1,305 [.970| 975 T 074] 082, [089 ro o ineo] nec [aee 
076 .| 063. | 087 | 060. 074} 082 
anser fs | oo rp om Ius Teale the 
Mean 055 | 06% | 052 | oss | 071 | 049 
Bilinear y 105$ | 1081 19851 | 099) | 073) | 086) (007 1 (075 V 9629| 2165 063516216 
Local 045 | 053 | 045 | 045 | 053 | 045 
puma |] 0997 | 0857 P572). | 99 065) | 032.1.093. 005 ], 551. | 190 [ 05: | 1.90 
None of the sets of camera parameters estimated during 
each adjustment series were significantly different from 
any other set. The similarity between camera models can 
again be explained by the relatively weak constraints on 
the object space. Figure 6 demonstrates that the 
photo-coordinate residuals are virtually independent of 
object space datum. This independence does not hold true 
for the estimated object space coordinates, as there are 
significant systematic errors in the estimated object 
coordinates when the survey control does not cover the 
complete object volume. A similar effect could also occur 
if, for example, an error was present in a surveyed object 
There are no statistically significant differences between 
the rms object coordinate discrepancies produced by the 
raw photo and local bilinear data sets. However there are 
significant trends in the estimated object coordinates of 
upto 2mm with the raw photo data set, especially where 
the control doesn't cover the complete object space. Again 
it must be decided if such systematic effects will make a 
significant contribution when the problems associated 
with the plotting of natural features with line strings in an 
analytical plotter are considered. 
4. Conclusions. 
Given a strong convergent network, image deformation 
corrections can be insignificant if object space coordinates 
are the prime requirement of the photogrammetric survey. 
The pseudo photogrammetric survey was limited as 
intended by weak network geometry. The table of rms 
object coordinate discrepancies has shown that the camera 
system is still capable of a respectable 1 part in 6,000 to 
10,000 of the object space if film deformation is taken 
explicitly into account. Such results agree well with Fraser 
1982. If image refinement is applied, it must be applied 
locally at every digitised position on every plotted 
linestring. Results have shown that very localised changes 
in film surface topology can occur so the degree of image 
refinement possible at each plotted position will be a 
function of reseau density. 
The rms object coordinate discrepancies demonstrate that 
the mean bilinear correction can provide better object 
coordinate precision than the raw plate or affine methods. 
Unfortunately the mean bilinear will not necessarily 
remove systematic effects, such as the rotation seen in the 
estimated object space coordinates (Figure 8). To remove 
this type of trend the complete local bilinear approach is 
required. If object space precision requirements are below 
1 part in 5,000 it can be concluded that the extra 
computational effort involved in carrying out image 
refinement is unjustified given the physical properties of 
this camera. 
The inclusion of constrained inner orientation and 
additional parameters in these weak adjustments have 
allowed well defined camera calibration parameters to be 
included. By this method it is possible to avoid some of 
the problems caused by high internal correlation that is 
often associated with self calibration and weak network 
Detection of systematic effects in the data, particularly in 
the object space with limited networks is dependent on an 
apriori knowledge of the physical processes occurring in 
the imaging system. Limitations ofthe UMK camera show 
that even a system designed specifically for its geometric 
imaging properties can exhibit significant systematic 
effects which cannot be removed by use of its reference 
mark system. Attention to design of the complete imaging 
system for survey requirements is the main factor which 
can significantly reduce both the computational and 
measurement effort associated with photogrammetric 
5. Acknowledgements. 
The author would like to thank Professor M. A.R. Cooper 
of City University, Mr S. Brown, Dr. C. Forno, Miss A. 
Kearney and Mr S. Oldfield of the Division of Mechanical 
and Optical Metrology at the National Physical 
Laboratory for their assistance and advice during the 
course of this project. 
6. References 
AGFA (1989). Agfa Holotest Materials, Agfa-Gevaert, 
Publication No. NDT1286/2012, NV.B-2510 Mortsel, 
COOPER, M.A.R. and ROBSON, S. (1990). Methods for 
High Precision Photogrammetric Monitoring of the 
Deformation of a Steel Bridge, The Photogrammetric 
Record, 13:(76)

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