Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

When the decentering distortion profiles from the Nikonos 
camera were examined, a large discrepancy at a radial distance 
r= 18 mm, of 3 um from the plumb-line technique versus 
37 um from the self-calibrating bundle adjustment was noted. 
The explanation lies in the high correlation between the values 
for the parameters P, P? and xp, yp. In situations where a high 
degree of projective coupling exists between parameters, the 
self-calibration model can be thought of as over-parameterised 
in that either set of parameters can adequately describe this 
component of the systematic error signal. 
To prove this hypothesis of high correlation, another bundle 
adjustment was run where P, and P2 were constrained to their 
values computed from the plumb-line technique. The result 
was large changes of 0.14 mm and 0.33 mm in x, and yp and 
no alteration to the object point co-ordinates. The important 
conclusion is that camera calibration must be viewed not as an 
end in itself, but rather as a step towards achieving the goal of 
obtaining the best possible object point co-ordinates. Similarly, 
the actual values of the parameters Kj, K2, K5, P1 and P2 may 
appear to differ from one determination to another, but the 
shapes of the profiles of radial and decentering distortion must 
be examined to see if there is any significant difference. 
2.4 Radial Distortion and Stereophotogrammetry 
The effects of lens distortions, especially radial, has been 
acknowledged for decades by mapmakers using aerial cameras 
(for example, Ekelund, 1956). A textbook on photogrammetry 
published in 1960 (Hallert, 1960, p. 60), describes the 
stereoscopic photography of a plane surface and how “... from 
measurements of the deformations of the surface, the systematic 
errors which caused the deformations of the bundle of rays can 
be determined numerically". 
In the case of aerial photogrammetry, the radial distortion 
includes the combined effects of earth curvature and refraction 
as well as lens distortion. In the close-range situation only the 
latter is relevant and this discussion has been included in this 
paper to alert researchers and practitioners involved with close— 
range stereophotogrammetric situations such as archaelogical, 
architectural, medical, etc., to a potential error source. 
It has been mathematically demonstrated (Fryer and Mitchell, 
1987) that a relative orientation may be made on photographs 
incorporating radial distortion and all y—parallaxes can be 
removed. No residual x—parallaxes will be present in the 
corners of the overlap region but an appreciable amount will left 
undetected in the central region of the model. In fact this 
amount was shown to be of magnitude 1.25 b? K1, where b is 
the base distance (in mm) between the left and right hand 
principal points and Kj is the first term of radial distortion. 
Unresolved x—parallaxes are equivalent to a height difference 
and for a typical 70 mm camera, a heighting error of 14 mm for 
a camera—object distance of 2 m has been reported. 
The physical appearance of this effect for a flat surface, such as 
a building facade, is to have a “hump” in the middle of the 
stereomodel. Most check points in relative and absolute 
orientations are placed near the periphery of stereomodels and 
this effect therefore will pass undetected. On objects such as a 
building facade the effect will be detected visually but cannot be 
eliminated by any amount of repeating the orientation process. 
A specific radial distortion correction must be applied to the 
analytical stereoplotter's camera calibration files. If the object 
under examination is itself a curved surface, for example a 
human back or an archaelogical artefact, then the effect may not 
be detected. 
This Section was specifically included in this paper to highlight 
the need for the increasing numbers of non-metric camera 
users, who may not have a complete understanding of the 
uncompensated systematic errors which may be present in 
stereophotogrammetry. to proceed with caution in their use of 
analytical and digital plotting equipment. 
The importance, or otherwise, of an exact knowledge of the 
offsets of the principal point, xp and yp, from the intersection of 
the fiducial axes are examined. in this Section. In Section 2.3, 
the high correlation between decentering distortion and xp, yp 
was demonstrated. In the study described, it was observed on 
each iteration of a self—calibrating bundle adjustment that the 
values of P1, P2? as opposed to xp, yp would alternatively 
increase and decrease in proportion. The values for the co— 
ordinates of the object points remained unaltered during this 
process. When the values of Pj, P2 were constrained to their 
values as determined by the plumb-line techniques, xp and yp 
altered by up to 0.33 mm but again the object co-ordinates were 
Perhaps an important feature of these tests was that neither 
camera had “proper” fiducial marks, but rather the edges of the 
format were used to establish pseudo fiducial corners. Film 
stretch and unflatness have been shown to cause up to 100 um 
of difference in distance between corners on 35 mm frames 
(Donnelly, 1988), so an exact knowledge of xp, yp can be 
purely “academic” and not really essential to achieving accurate 
co-ordinates on the object. 
Some recent (1991) adjustments of photography taken with a 
125 mm by 125 mm image format camera (a 1943 F-24 
reconnaissance camera which has been refurbished with a 
90 mm Nikkor lens) has provided some further discussion on 
this topic. This camera is fitted with a glass reseau and 
therefore has fiducial marks. Probably due to the refurbishment 
procedure, it was noted that the decentering distortion 
parameters Pj, P2 were larger than usually expected. The 
bundle adjustment was re—run with P1, P2 constrained and the 
values for xp, yp were computed as —0.42 mm and +0.14 mm 
respectively. More interestingly, the rms values for the 
residuals on the six station, twelve photograph solution reduced 
from 5 um to 4 um. The object photographed was a large 
water storage dam which is almost planar in shape. 
Although the precision of the object co-ordinates on the dam 
wall did not significantly improve, this experience has tempted 
the author to offer the following tentative advice. For small 
format non-metric photogrammetric exercises of low to medium 
accuracy, say « 1:5000, there appears little benefit in 
incorporating xp, yp in bundle adjustments. This is especially 
so if no fiducial marks are present and the frame edges are used 
as pseudo fiducials. The decentering distortion parameters P1, 
P^ appear to suffice. On the other hand, for more accurate tasks 
with medium-sized camera formats and with cameras 
possessing fiducial marks, the determination of xp, yp and their 
application in conjunction with P, P^, rather than the sole use 
of P1, P5, is recommended. If the values of Xp, yp approach or 
exceed 0.5 mm, then their application is also recommended 
rather than reliance on P, P» alone. 
4.] Film Deformation From Planar 
The mathematics of all analytical photogrammetry is based on 
the assumption that the image points are co-planar. This 
implies that the film in the image plane must be flat during 
exposure. Non-metric cameras usually do not possess a film 
flattening mechanism and the shape which film takes has been 
studied by several researchers, notably Fraser (1982) for 
70 mm cameras and Donnelly (1988) for 35 mm cameras. 
Fraser (1982) used the set of AP's described by equations (7) 
and (8) to study the film unflatness in a 500 ELM Hasselblad 
used to photograph a "cube" of targets from four exposure 
stations arranged for convergent imaging. As increasing 
numbers of AP's were used, the rms values of the residuals for 
the plate co-ordinates were reduced, but the rms error of the 
object point co-ordinates increased. The dilemma of reducing

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