Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

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cording. Conventional photogrammetric cameras will 
become obsolete for most purposes. 
However, as long as image processing and matching 
requires a considerable amount of computation time 
the use of this method for routine measurements is 
questionable. At least for the near future laser relief- 
meters, using a contact-free and non-destructive me- 
thod as well, promise to deliver data of the same type 
in shorter time. These systems may become serious 
competition for photogrammetry. But since they are 
subject to certain restrictions their main advantage, 
the direct measurement of a regular DEM in a substan- 
tially shorter time, has to be weighted against the pos- 
sibility of allowing measurement and interpretation 
based on the very same images. Furthermore, scanning 
systems need always longer time to cover a predefined 
area than it takes shooting a photograph (making them 
useless for moving objects). Close-range photogramme- 
try still has its advantages (and, hopefully, lots of other 
application fields), which should be developed in the 
future using the technical evolution. 
The major part of this work has been supported by the 
Technical University of Berlin through the Interdisci- 
plinary Research Project "Measurement and Interpre- 
tation of Surfaces'. The efforts of Christian H. Roth 
and others at the Institute for Ecology at the Technical 
University of Berlin (rain simulator, testing) and of 
Rainer Wolf (software) are greatfully acknowledged. 
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tion of depression storage using a digital surface model, 
I. deterination of depression storage, II. characteristics 
of surface depressions. J. of Hydrology 42: 63-90.

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