David W. Eggert and Kevin W. Bowyer
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida 33620 USA
eggertd or kwb@csee.usf.edu
ISPRS Commission V
Charles R. Dyer
Department of Computer Science
University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin 53706 USA
ISPRS Commission V
The study of the viewer-centered object representation known as the aspect graph has recently been an active area of research
in computer vision. The aspect graph is desirable because it provides a complete enumeration of all possible distinct views of
an object, given a particular model for viewpoint space and a definition of “distinct”. This paper presents a history of the
evolution of the aspect graph, culminating with the current state of the art in algorithms and implementations for automatically
constructing an aspect graph. The use of the aspect graph in possible applications in computer vision and computer graphics
is described. Finally, current limitations of the representation are discussed and a potential solution involving the scale space
concept is presented.
Key Words: Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Viewer-centered Representation, Aspect Graph, Survey, Scale Space.
The origin of the aspect graph concept"" has several inde-
pendent roots. It is most often credited to Koenderink and
van Doorn (Koenderink and Van Doorn, 1976, 1979) who
initially referred to it as the visual potential of an object.
Somewhat earlier, Minsky described a concept very similar
to the aspect graph (Minsky, 1975), sketching an example
in terms of a frame system that depicted the different visual
possibilities for a cube. Somewhat later, Chakravarty and
Freeman (Chakravarty and Freeman, 1982) employed a sim-
ilar concept, under the term characteristic views, in a study
involving recognition of polyhedra. Since then, several other
viewer-centered representations similar to the aspect graph
have also been proposed.
Each of these authors recognized the potential value of a
representation that summarizes all of the possible distinct
views of an object. Also, researchers in the fields of computer
vision (Rosenfeld, 1987) and psychophysics (Palmer, Rosch
and Chase, 1981; Perrett, et al., 1989) have been gathering
evidence that humans may use a set of “important” aspects
to achieve fast recognition of unknown objects, although it
is unclear whether a human’s definition of “aspect” and “im-
portant” coincide with what will be described here.
Unfortunately, none of the first researchers was able to de-
scribe an algorithm to automatically compute such a repre-
sentation for any specific class of objects. As stated by Koen-
derink and van Doorn, “A general decomposition of F3 — B
* This work was supported at the University of South Florida by Air
Force Office of Scientific Research grant AFOSR-89-0036, National Sci-
ence Foundation grant IRI-8817776 and a grant from the Florida High
Technology and Industry Council, and at the University of Wisconsin
by National Science Foundation grant IRI-8802436 and the University
of Wisconsin Graduate School.
** In this paper, the term aspect graph will refer generally to rep-
resentations that have also been called characteristic views, principal
views, stable views, viewing data, view classes and other similar terms.
(B refers to the space occupied by a solid object) into cells
that provide a stable global aspect of 6B is by no means triv-
ial to carry out.” (Koenderink and van Doorn, 1976, page
57). This simple fact delayed research on aspect graphs for
several years. However, now due to intensive research in re-
cent years there exist a number of different algorithms and
even implementations to produce this representation.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents a more rigorous and detailed definition of
the aspect graph. Section 3 describes the approach used in
computing an approximate aspect graph. Sections 4 and 5
outline the considerations involved and subsequent results
in computing the exact aspect graph of polyhedral objects
and curved objects, respectively. Section 6 discusses a gen-
eralization of the aspect graph concept for objects having
articulated connections between rigid parts. Section 7 de-
scribes some of the possible applications for aspect graphs
in both computer vision and computer graphics. In Section
8 some possible deficiencies in the current conception of the
aspect graph representation are mentioned, and a potential
solution, the scale space aspect graph, is presented. Finally,
Section 9 briefly presents some topics of continuing research.
The commonly agreed upon elements of the definition of an
aspect graph representation are generally that:
e there is a node for each general view of the object as
seen from some maximal connected cell of viewpoint
space, and
e there is an arc for each possible transition, called a
visual event, between two neighboring general views.
The not so commonly agreed upon elements, needed to com-
plete this definition, are the model of viewpoint space, and
what is meant by a general view. These and other factors
discussed in the next sections can be used to classify the
various algorithms developed to date, as shown in Figure 1.