In the "Autobahn" driving application the estimated
motion and location parameters of the object 'Ot and
the occluded object should be similar, because both of
them are driving in the same direction on the same road.
But the position state components may not be identical,
for this case the two objects would occupy the same
space. They may be close to each other, e.g. a truck
linked with its trailer, and the assumed hypothesis of two
independently moving objects may have been wrong.
With this method it is also possible to distinguish objects
standing or parking beside the road, being uncovered,
When the object 'Ot' continues to move in front of the
own vehicle. By this way it is verified that the generated
hypothesis of an occluded object is either a casually
existing object in the surrounding like bridges or stakes
nor a part of the originally tracked object 'Ot', because
of a not exactly matching shape model. Therefore, this
module is also able to provide information to the situa-
tion assessment module about objects located near by
the road boundary.
In this approach decisions are made by analyzing the
estimated motion and position parameters statistically
over a period of time with respect to the existence of a
second partially occluded object. If the hypothesis of an
occluded object was verified the algorithm tracks the
object until it disappears.
To verify the practicality of the proposed approach the
extended object recognition module has been imple-
mented. All the experimental work is done in a closed
loop simulation consisting of a graphics workstation for
image generation and a parallel-processor system for
image processing. Two possible modes of operation are
implied. In the first one, only the original synthetic
images of the workstation are used to test the imple-
mented algorithms with a cycle time of 80 ms. In the
second one, a real CCD-camera takes the images from
the graphic screen, and all the problems using noisy
measurement data under different viewing and illumi-
nation conditions were covered. All implementations
have been done in C to achieve the real-time demands.
Up to now, all research work was performed in the
software simulation environment without using real im-
ages from a CCD-camera. The results achieved show,
that the analysis of a hypothesis takes about 20 video
cycles to make a decision about the assumption of an
partially occluded object.
The following figures show the estimated state variables
for the object location (distance, lateral offset) of two
cars one overtaking the other by using simulated noisy
measurements. Figure 9 illustrates the results produced
by the verification algorithm.
results from motion analysis
29 generating Hypothesis of an second occluded
29 : Initialisation Hypothesis with identical motion
42 second occluded object moving in front (right)
108 two different motion types
137 . changing Hypothesis
202 second occluded object moving in front (left)
234 canceling Hypothesis of an occluded object
Figure 9 Analysis of a motorway situation with an occluded object
Exploiting the estimated velocities becomes very diffi-
cult, because the estimation error has the same magni-
tude as the estimated state variable. Therefore it seems
to be sufficient to analyse the position parameters. In
the case, that velocities are to be analysed additionally
it is recommended to smooth the state variables in a
succeeding low-pass-filter (figure 13). Figures 10a and
b show the estimated distance of the two objects. The
second object hypothesis is initialized at cycle 29 with
the initial assumption that the occluded object belonges
to the already tracked object 'Ot'. At cycle 42 an oc-
cluded object was verified and the motion analysis re-
sults with the statement that an other object is moving
Abstand x: xs(rot--], real[blau-], PS Dx[gruen-.] * 10 Y
120} T 7 =
softs Ri: rit ni deer pp ri, nd
a ius
kafil 30 Zeh
Figure 10a Estimated distance of object Ot
Abstand x: xs[rot--], real[blau-], PS Dx[gruen-.] * 1
120r dry = : ]
80 r- mei
i /
i i a par
60 fe nm arm ma t ii mon ig SEN mt o
E si. -
eS n fT
20r-- i . E CR ea —— E : E
50 100 150 200 250
kafi2 30 Zyklen
Figure 10b Estimated distance of the occluded object