Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Figure 14 Hardware architecture of the image processing system 
A model based dynamic vision system has been pre- 
sented for recognition of partially occluded three-di- 
mensional rigid objects in an application for autono- 
mous road vehicle guidance on German standard 
"Autobahnen". Only image sequences are used as input 
data for the vision system. On the first processing level 
a hypothesis is generated using knowledge about the 
possible location of the appearance of an occluded 
object with an expected shape by matching measured 
features with the internal generic model. Inthe next step 
tracking and motion estimation of the hypothetical ob- 
ject is solved by a recursive estimation algorithm result- 
ing in the state of the object relative to the road ob- 
served. Finally, the verification of the hypothesis is 
performed exploiting knowledge about the possible 
range of the estimated motion parameters and con- 
sistency over time. The validity of the approach pre- 
sented was tested with synthetic image sequences, and 
promising results have been obtained indicating that the 
application to noisy measurement data from real world 
scenes should lead to useful results. 
The main objective of this paper was to introduce a 
systematic method of dealing with partial occlusion of 
objects. For confirmation of the hypothesis it is conceiv- 
able thatthis approach may be extended to checking the 
consistency of an hypothesized model shape; addition- 
ally, it may become more robust by using information 
from the images such as color, texture, segmentation, 
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