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A general problem when dealing with real measurements is
the influence of data contamination such as noise and
outliers on the result. The aim of the present research is a
reliable 3D-reconstruction of features from images. In a
first step the feature pixels are extracted from the images
with the help of any edge detection routines, whose
robustness is not discussed in this paper. The extracted
pixels are the input to the presented algorithm. Pixels from
other features or errorpixels are outliers related to our line.
The term ’robust’ here means that we want to have a result
which takes only those pixels into account which really
belong to our line.
A least squares adjustment leads to wrong results when the
data contains observations which do not belong to the
model (Huber, 1981), (Rousseeuw/Leroy, 1987), (Fôrstner,
1989). Even a single outlying observation may affect the
result severely.
Methods of hypothesis testing using test statistics are able
to detect outliers, but they don't work very effective in
presence of a high contamination.
In image processing, however, we sometimes have to deal
with highly contaminated data. For that reason different
attempts have been made to develop robust methods. Some
of the methods are the M-estimation (Huber, 1981), the
Random Sampling Consensus procedure of (Fischler/Bolles,
1981) and the Least Median Squares estimation by
(Rouseeuw/Leroy, 1987). They all have in common that
they try to find out how well an observation fits into the
model. This is expressed by an individual weight for each
2.1 The random sample consensus procedure
Random sample consensus (RANSAC) is a hypothesis-
verify technique which can be used for determining model
parameters, even if the amount of contamination exceeds
50% (€ > 0.5). It requires no initial values. À closed form
solution for the parameters, based on a minimum set of u
observations, must be known. For some problems these
solutions are complicated or impossible. Basically the
technique works in the following heuristic way:
1) Determine parameters from a random subset of u
2) Compute residuals for all observations. À tolerance
threshold, based on the expected noise level, has to
decide if an observation will be accepted.
3) Count accepted observations.
4) Stop procedure when enough observations are accepted,
otherwise repeat it with a new random subset.
Remark: Residuals in this procedure shouldn’t be mixed up
with the residuals v in chapter 1.3. The computation of the
residuals meant here is explained in 3.2.1.
The algorithm parameters are the threshold for data
acceptance in step 2), the threshold for model acceptance
in step 4) and the number of subsets needed. The latter
corresponds to the computation time. More about the
number of subsets in chapter 2.1.1. The thresholds are
discussed for the special case of a space line in chapter
3.1.1. The determination of model parameters in step 1) by
a closed form solution is treated in chapter 3.1.
The described method is a powerful tool to detect outliers
and to find approximate values for model parameters.
The method is not able to find the best possible solution
when not all subsets are used or when the non-outlying
observations are noisy. How to procede in case of noisy
data is treated for the space line example in chapter 3.3.
2.1.1 The number of subsets in RANSAC
According to step 4) in the RANSAC procedure the
computations are finished when enough observations are
accepted. In general, however, the correct solution, the
number and size of outliers and the optimum threshold for
data acceptance are unknown. Under these circumstances
the best matching subset cannot be determined. For very
small data sets all possible subsets are taken, but this is not
possible for large data sets, because the number of subsets
as well as the computation time increases rapidly.
Under the assumption that the data contains n-o 'good' and
0 "bad' points, the expected number m of random subsets
to find at least one subset containing u good observations
can be calculated due to probability laws. The probability
to have at least one subset is usually set to 95% or 99%.
The probability for one subset to contain u good points is
P = A (2:3)
x n n-1 n-(u+1)
The probability of at least one uncontaminated subset out
of m can be calculated by the binomial distribution:
P(m,,421) = [Pig p) pri @-2)
Instead of this exact formula an approximation is given for
large numbers n of observations and a contamination of £96
(Rousseeuw/Leroy, 1987):
1-(1-(1-e)")") = 95%
4 log 0.05 (2-3)
log (1-(1-e)")
Unfortunately the formula requires the input of € which is
usually not known exactly. Some experimental results on a
suitable number of subsets are presented in chapter 4.
2.2 Least median squares method
Another heuristic, robust method is the least median
squares estimation (Rousseeuw/Leroy, 1987). Here the
squared residuals of observations according to different
random models are computed. The model with the smallest
median of squared residuals will be the solution.