med (residuals?) -> minimum
This method is able to cope with an amount of outliers up
to 49.9%. In this study the method is not applied.
2.3 M-estimation, a robust adjustment technique
In contrast to the methods mentioned before the maximum-
likelihood-type or M-estimation is a deterministic
procedure. In the M-estimation one ends up at minimizing
the sum of a function of squared residuals (Huber, 1981),
(Forstner, 1989). That function is called weight function
with the values w..
Y w, 1%, - min. (2-4)
The minimization procedure is an iteratively reweighted
least squares adjustment. A difficult problem is the proper
choice of the weights w;. The weight function has to fulfil
certain mathematical properties, described in (Huber, 1981),
to guarantee the adjustment converge to a solution.
For the method the calculation time can be predicted.
It is planned to use the M-estimation for the line
reconstruction with the Danish reweighting method
(Krarup/Kubik, 1981). The residuals should be derived
from the coplanarity values f. Some very first experiments
showed that the method seems to be able to cope with
noise and outliers up to a certain amount and size. The
required approximate values might be taken from the
results of the RANSAC technique.
In this chapter a method is explained how to reconstruct a
3D-line from errorous observations in several images. Up
to now the algorithm is specialized on lines as used in the
simulation experiments. Some routines and thresholds still
have to be tested for more general cases. A method is
presented of combining the RANSAC method with the least
squares adjustment. In the experiments this turned out to be
a suitable way to cope with the noise and the outliers.
3.1 A closed form solution for the RANSAC procedure
The underdetermined perspective view from 2D- to 3D-
space is an inverse problem, which possesses no direct
analytical solution.
A closed form solution for the 6 line parameters can be
obtained from space geometry. No linearizations or initial
values are needed, but knowledge is required about the
camera constant c, the position L and the orientation R of
two perspective centers. The presented solution requires the
input of two different image points out of two images.
3.1.1 Closed form solution for the line center point C
and the line direction vector B
Fig. 3: Space geometry in the closed form solution
In a first step the four image rays p, from the perspective
centers to the image points are constructed. The observed
ray (X;; Y;y -G ) Of a point j in image i is transformed into
space with the help of the rotation matrix R;:
T = R, Yi (3-1)
Two rays belonging to one image construct a 'projection'
plane, which is described by its normal vector
N; = Pu X Pız (3-2)
The space line is the intersection of the two projection
planes. Thus the direction vector B of the line is
perpendicular to both normal vectors N;, N,.
p. m (3-3)
INxN, |
To calculate the center point C of the line, a linear equation
system is designed. It contains the equations of two
projection planes in space and the second model constraint.
The position of a projection plane in space can be described
by its normal vector N and a point lying in the plane, the
perspective center L.
0=N,L,+N,L, +N, Ly, 7 d, (3-4)
O-N,L,*N,L, *N,L, - d,
Knowing N,, N,, L, and L, we get d, and d, out of these
equations. Then the 3x3 linear equation system can be
solved for the line center point C.
constraint: B.C, + p, C, * N C, - 0
planel: N,, C, + N,, C, + SC =d, (3-5)
plane2: N,,C, +N, C +N, C= d,