Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

easy to implement, but it is less flexible and more 
difficult to treat in a statistical context. 
A different viewpoint was expressed by one of the 
system developers when asked about the differences 
of scientific background, saying something like "...the 
knowledge of industrial management, how to 
actually manufacture the system when it is 
developed and how to get it out on the market. These 
are things which sometimes are just as important as 
which algorithm are used for the outer 
Axelsson, P, 1992, Minimum Description Length as 
an Estimator With Robust Properties, Proc. Sec Int 
Workshop on Robust Computer Vision, pp ?? 
Axelsson, P. 1992, An Automated 3D Motion 
Analysis System for Digitized High Speed Film, Int 
Arch of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol 9, 
Comm V. 
Bósemann, W., Godding, R.,Riechmann, W., 1990, 
Photogrammetric Investigation of CCD Cameras, Int. 
Arch. vol 28, part 5 pp 119-127, 1990 
Edgardh, L-À, 1992, Comparison of Precision and 
Reliability of Point Coordinates Using DLT and 
Bundle Approach, Int Arch of Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing, vol 9, Comm V. 
Fórstner, W.,Gülch, E., 1987, A Fast Operator for 
Detection and Precise Location of Distinct Points, 
Corners and Centers of Circular Features. Proc. of 
Intercommission Conference of ISPRS on Fast 
Processing of Photogrammetric Data, Interlaken, June 
Fórstner, W. 1987, Reliability Analysis of Parameter 
Estimation in Linear Models with Applications to 
Mensuration Problems in Computer Vision, 
Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing 40, 
pp 273-310. 
Grün, A., 1991, Recent Advances of Photogrammetry 
in Robot Vision, First Australian Photogrammetric 
Conference, 7-9 November 1991. 
Haggren, H., 1990, Real time Photogrammetry for 
Engineering Surveys, FIG Congress, Helsinki, 
Finland, June 10-19, Comm 6. 
Haralick, R.M., Lee, C.N., Ottenberg, K., Nóle, M., 
1991, Analysis and Solutions of the Three Point 
Perspective Pose ‘Estimation: >Problem, IEEE 
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern 
Recognition, pp 592-598 
Innovativ Vision, TrackEye, Specification of 
Innovativ Vision's Motion Analysis System, Product 
Josefsson, T., 1992, The MacReflex System, a New 
Tool for Testing Industrial Robots, Publication of 
Qualisys AB. 
Källhammer, J-E., 1990. Digitize Your Film Without 
Loosing Resolution. SPIE vo 1358, 19:th International 
Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics, 
pp 631-636. 
Metronor, Metronor MNS Description, Product 
Rousseeuw, P., Leroy, A.1987,Robust regression and 
outlier detection, John Wiley & sons, Inc ISSN 0271- 

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